This is a super cool study, from a female-only team! Go #WomenInSTEM!
#EarlyLifeStress #Arc #SocialDefeat #DREADDs #Engram
Reactivation of early-life stress-sensitive neuronal ensembles contributes to lifelong stress hypersensitivity | bioRxiv
#womeninstem #earlylifestress #arc #socialdefeat #dreadds #Engram
In our next Immunopsychiatry meeting, which will be next TUESDAY at 1:30 pm UK time, will talk about #inflammation and #cognitive dysfunction in #depression and about #earlylifestress in #psychopathology 👇🤩 (link on the day)
#psychopathology #earlylifestress #depression #cognitive #inflammation
The Peña Lab is HIRING! Currently seeking 1-2 #postdocs (molecular or #datascientists) for multiple funded projects to understand how #earlylifestress impacts #epigenetic regulation of brain development and behavior.
We use #singlecell and other #sequencing approaches, computational analyses, and test our hypotheses back in vivo by gene and epigenome editing, activity manipulations, and pharmacological approaches - and of course behavior #inmice.
More here -->
#Postdocs #datascientists #earlylifestress #epigenetic #singlecell #sequencing #InMice