This last one was very young, very skittish, got a lot closer to me but was never still long enough for the phone camera to focus...
Light rain at 4am; perhaps they prefer that as fewer people about?
As usual, the gentle, curious mutual assement of friend/foe was interrupted by a car whizzing past. Oh well.
All definitely different ones this time.
Here's No 3, having a bit of a lie down:
Come on, it was pissing it down.
Unseen foxes had torn apart my neighbour's bin bag as it had messy food waste in, so that's nice.
(forgot to log the one on Sunday, that was coming in for a luxourious tardy 0530 start, so more or less full daylight)
all semed to be youngsters, possibly this year's?
#earlyshiftcommutebatcount #earlyshiftcommutefoxcount
Tbh a bit light to expect many this time of year. Did spot the smallest street bookswap I've seen, though.
@jay_peper encounters generally recorded under #earlyshiftcommutefoxcount (goes back further on that other place we try not to talk about, but everyone does)
In moderate rain; they ain't made of sugar.
Me, on the other hand... ;-)
Not the best picture I've taken :-)
Most mornings it's bin day along the route - so many people are putting food waste in black bags still. I do wonder if they ever realise the resulting mess someone else has to clear up.
This one had a bit of a limp, but quite happy to have a bit of company whilst eating takeaway leftovers...
#docklessbikesremovedfromthepavement: 3
Whilst by many standards the dockless hire bike schemes (esp in London) have been a great success, I do wonder whether the downsides for sight & mobility impaired people are worth it. We're asking them to compromise on safe pavements for other's convenience.
For the time being, we'll just need more of us willing to move them out of the way when we see them.
#pavements #bikes #dockless #docklessbikesremovedfromthepavement #earlyshiftcommutefoxcount
Not bad for post-drizzle.