La semaine dernière, une délégation du service météorologique du Tadjikistan nous a rendu visite, dans notre centre météo de Zurich-aéroport. Dans le cadre d'un projet, nous les aidons à améliorer leurs services météorologiques et climatiques #EarlyWarningsforAll
🕐 21/07 10:05
Le cyclone s'affaiblit en avançant sur les terres semble-t-il ...
Severe Tropical #CycloneIlsa made landfall in NW Australia as Cat 5 storm. Set a preliminary Australian 10-min speed record of 218 km/h.
Now at Category 3 as it heads inland. 132mm of rain in 24 hours in one of worst hit areas, per @BOM_WA
#cycloneilsa #earlywarningsforall
🎂150 ans @WMO, prédécesseur de l’Organisation météo. mondiale.
Depuis, progrès scientifiques et technologiques considérables ont permis d'améliorer la précision des prévisions météo, de surveiller, simuler et projeter le climat mondial.
RT @WMO: Happy #WorldMetDay! This year is exceptional, as we mark 150 years of meteorological progress and ambitious priorities, including #EarlyWarningsForAll and much more ambitious #ClimateAction. Join Us! 🔗
[23/03 10:52]
#journeemeteorologiquemondiale #23mars #worldmetday #earlywarningsforall #climateaction
Happy #WorldMetDay! This year is exceptional, as we mark 150 years of meteorological progress and ambitious priorities, including #EarlyWarningsForAll and much more ambitious #ClimateAction. Join Us! 🔗
#worldmetday #earlywarningsforall #climateaction
Heute ist #WorldMetDay! Dieses Jahr zudem mit einem besonderen Anlass, denn die World Meteorological Organization - WMO -
feiert 150 Jahre meteorologischen Fortschritt: wir gratulieren herzlich! 🎉
Das Fokusthema des #WorldMetDay2023 ist: "The Future of Weather, Climate and Water across Generations" und widmet sich damit der wichtigen Frage, wie zukünftige Generationen vor Wetterextremen geschützt werden können. #EarlyWarningsForAll
Mehr Infos:🔗
#worldmetday #worldmetday2023 #earlywarningsforall
🌐⚠️ La moitié des pays du monde ne disposent pas de systèmes d’alerte précoce adéquats.
Une initiative mondiale visant à garantir que chacun sur Terre soit protégé par des alertes précoces d’ici 2027 est en train d’être accélérée.
RT @WMO: A global initiative to ensure that everyone on Earth is protected by early warnings by 2027 is being fast-tracked into action on the ground. Tropical Cyclone #Freddy once again shows the paramount importance of #EarlyWarningsForAll. 🔗
[22/03 09:21]
Tropical cyclone #Freddy is nearing 2nd landfall in #Mozambique, with dangerous winds, storm surge and extreme rain.
Freddy has generated as much Accumulated Cyclone Energy in its 33 day life as an average Atlantic hurricane season.
#freddy #mozambique #earlywarningsforall
Check out our official website for the EU project #TheHuTNexus focused on best-practices and coping with climate extreme events, with a focus on the role of warnings #climatechange #earlywarningsforall #EW4All
#thehutnexus #climatechange #earlywarningsforall #ew4all
Freddy tourne en rond ...
Tropical cyclone #Freddy threatens Madagascar and Mozambique for a SECOND time with rain, floods.
#Freddy became named storm near Australia on 6 Feb. WMO is monitoring whether it will become the longest lasting cyclone on record.
WMO’s Executive Council has endorsed UN #EarlyWarningsForAll initiative as a top priority.
We will work with partners to try to ensure that everyone is protected by life-saving early warnings in the next 5 years.
Indeed, but let's not forget that effective @EarlyWarning does not mean only investing in infrastructures and science - #EWs are effective when they are people-centric, #communication is tailored to meet different needs and people know what to do/they are #prepared
It pays to invest in #EarlyWarningsForAll:
💵 Spending US$ 800 million on such systems in developing countries would avoid losses of $3-16 billion per year.
#EWS #communication #prepared #earlywarningsforall
"This unprecedented meeting aims to strengthen collaboration in pursuing the #EarlyWarningsForAll initiative, and it couldn't come at a better time. With so many weather and climate-related disasters causing widespread impacts, working together to keep everyone safe is more important than ever." World Meteorological Organization
Tropical cyclone #Freddy will land on Madagascar's east coast at category 3 strength, bringing dangerous seas, winds, coastal surge and intense rainfall. Freddy will then head towards Mozambique. Stay safe 🚨 #EarlyWarningsForAll"
🚨📢A public earthquake early warning system in 🇬🇷 Greece and 🇮🇹 Italy could give vital seconds’ notice ⏰of a major earthquake – time for automated shutdown of potentially dangerous systems, says this @ucl study.
Find out how 👇 #EarlyWarningsForAll