Cuz if I were a donor of @eff I'd cancel my donations since they seem to have been accepting shit like #KOSA, #EarnItAct and other
#Cyberfacism without any action or even formal protesting...
Gizmodo: The Worst Internet Bills of 2023, So Far #childrensonlineprivacyprotectionact #ageverificationsystem #censorshipoftiktok #mobileapplications #richardblumenthal #childpornography #marshablackburn #internetprivacy #socialissues #mikemasnick #gregabbott #markwarner #section230 #encryption #carlszabo #johnthune #earnitact #billshort #whatsapp #ronwyden #twitter #tiktok #google #trump #apple #meta
#childrensonlineprivacyprotectionact #ageverificationsystem #censorshipoftiktok #mobileapplications #richardblumenthal #childpornography #marshablackburn #internetprivacy #socialissues #mikemasnick #gregabbott #markwarner #section230 #encryption #carlszabo #johnthune #earnitact #billshort #whatsapp #ronwyden #twitter #tiktok #google #trump #apple #meta
@earthshine the sheer fact that bs like #RestrictAct, #KOSA, #EarnItAct and the already existing #CloudAct ain't political suicidal in the #USA says a lot about #USpol and the lack of respect for #HumanRights.
#HumanRights #USpol #USA #cloudact #earnitact #KOSA #restrictact
Gizmodo: The Worst Internet Bills of 2023, So Far #internetcensorshipinindia #ageverificationsystem #mobileapplications #richardblumenthal #marshablackburn #internetprivacy #videosoftware #cryptography #videohosting #socialissues #section230 #gregabbott #markwarner #encryption #earnitact #carlszabo #johnthune #billshort #ronwyden #tiktok #google #trump #likee #apple #meta
#internetcensorshipinindia #ageverificationsystem #mobileapplications #richardblumenthal #marshablackburn #internetprivacy #videosoftware #cryptography #videohosting #socialissues #section230 #gregabbott #markwarner #encryption #earnitact #carlszabo #johnthune #billshort #ronwyden #tiktok #google #trump #likee #apple #meta
US #Congress members are trying to destroy the #Internet using the #EarnItAct, #StopCSAM Act, and the rest of the #BadInternetBills.
European legislators, meanwhile, just decided to make free and #OpenSource software (#FOSS) development illegal with the #CyberResilienceAct (#CRA).
Why is it that legislators' first and only reaction, upon seeing a good thing, is to make it illegal?
#congress #Internet #earnitact #stopcsam #badinternetbills #opensource #foss #cyberresilienceact #cra
The #EARNITAct, if passed, would harm the LGBTQ+ community by trimming Section 230 immunity, incentivizing platforms to silence their voices at a time when their very right to exist is under attack nationwide. With 230, Congress made the wise choice in the '90s not to let the most conservative, censorious state in the Union decide what gets to be on the Internet. If Congress changed that, they'd let the AGs of TX or FL scream "groomer" and get LGBTQ+ content suppressed.
The academics' letter to Congress about the #EARNITAct that @ericgoldman & I spearheaded is quoted in a NYT op-ed today by Julia Angwin about the importance of encryption:
Jeffery Epstein took many government officials to his special little island playhouse and that's why we can't trust the government to protect the children in our communities.
Not in the US not anywhere. Local communities need to get together, educate kids on what not to do online.
Get together with your community and do the Chris Hansen thing. Lure pedos into a sting house and have the cops take care of them.
Jeffery Epstein took many government officials to his special little island playhouse and that's why we can't trust the government to protect the children in our communities.
Not in the US not anywhere. Local communities need to get together, educate kids on what not to do online.
Get together with your community and do the Chris Hansen thing. Lure pedos into a sting house and have the cops take care of them.
We don't need the government to control us, we need to organize with our communities and do the Chris Hansen Routine.
Lure a pedophile to a sting house and let the police take care of them.
Trilogy media has been doing that lately. Support them!
We don't need the government to control us, we need to organize with our communities and do the Chris Hansen Routine.
Lure a pedophile to a sting house and let the police take care of them.
Trilogy media has been doing that lately. Support them!
I don't use a VPN to commit crimes, I use it to keep my location hidden from bad people online and to prevent myself from getting DDos'd by people who are losing against me in online games.
Banning any kind of encryption would endanger everyone who needs it to stay safe.
I don't use a VPN to commit crimes, I use it to keep my location hidden from bad people online and to prevent myself from getting DDos'd by people who are losing against me in online games.
Banning any kind of encryption would endanger everyone who needs it to stay safe.
New from me for Tech Policy Press: By undermining encryption with the #EARNITAct and #STOPCSAMAct, Senate Dems are aiding the GOP's war on abortion.
Our academics' letter to Congress on #EARNITAct is covered in the Washington Post today: cc @ericgoldman
Congress's Senate Judiciary Committee is discussing the bill at this very moment, if you want to tune in:
CCIA appreciates the support of @actonline, @ProgressChamber, @CTATech, @DevsAlliance, @EngineOrg, @i2Coalition, @NetChoice, @Patreon, @SIIA, & @TechNetUpdate in opposing the #EarnItAct in a letter to lawmakers ahead of the bill's SJC markup.
The #EARNITAct has serious Fourth Amendment problems that could end up letting accused CSAM defendants walk free - completely backfiring at the bill’s child safety goal. Today, @ericgoldman and I joined with a group of legal academics in sending a letter to congressional leadership to warn them of this risk. The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to mark up EARN IT tomorrow.
RT @lovingtaeonmain
🚨🚨🚨Guys please please please spread this
U.S. Congress has reintroduced a bill called the #EarnItAct.
This is the most dangerous bill I have ever seen when it comes to online privacy and free speech. Essentially, it's going to censor the entire internet. Thread:
CCIA urges Congress to address serious concerns with the #EARNITAct, a bill that would reduce #tech companies’ ability to hunt for and remove dangerous online content like CSAM.