via The Five Coolest Trailers From The 2022 Game Awards #Articles #VideoGames #bayonetta #DeathStranding2 #earthblade
#articles #videogames #bayonetta #deathstranding2 #earthblade
to think this year we have #earthblade and #silksong coming out...
indie dreams finally coming true
maybe this be the year I become an indie streamer
It's been 5 days since #Earthblade was revealed and I have thought about how incredible its logo is every day since.
Join us in an hour to talk about #Earthblade! 💜
Happy Friday!! It been a week but the weekend is almost here😀 Hope the week wasn’t too rough for you! If so hang in there👊🏻 #VideoGameAwards was last night and there some great trailers of upcoming games #hades2 #PartyAnimals and #Earthblade were just some of my favorites. What do you think? What about the awards themselves? #gaming
#videogameawards #hades2 #PartyAnimals #earthblade #gaming
@davidcrespo Looks soo good, right!? #Celeste was amazing, and I can't wait for #Earthblade !
@pirategenderlord Ya, that #ArmoredCore announcement was great! Loved seeing more of #FinalFantasyXVI and #JediSurvivor and #Hades2 was a big standout. Oh! And #Judas and #DS2...and of course #Earthblade. And that #BayonettaOrigins game looked interesting.... There was just too much Tallulah!! 😅
#bayonettaorigins #earthblade #DS2 #judas #hades2 #JediSurvivor #FinalFantasyXVI #armoredcore
The Game Awards 2022: Guanyadors i novetats
#Reportatge #APlagueTale:Requiem #AfterUs #ArmoredCoreVI:FiresofRubicon #BayonettaOrigins:CerezaandtheLostDemon #CrashTeamRumble #CrimeBoss:RockayCity #CultoftheLamb #DeathStranding2 #delscreadorsdeLifeisStrange. #DiabloIV #DuneAwakening #Earthblade #EldenRing #EsmostraelprimertràilerdeBanishers:GhostsofnewEden #FinalFantasyXVI #GodofWar:Ragnarok #GranTurismo7 #HadesII #Hellboy:We
#reportatge #aplaguetale #afterus #armoredcorevi #bayonettaorigins #crashteamrumble #crimeboss #CultOfTheLamb #deathstranding2 #delscreadorsdelifeisstrange #DiabloIV #duneawakening #earthblade #eldenring #esmostraelprimertrailerdebanishers #finalfantasyxvi #godofwar #GranTurismo7 #hadesii #hellboy
El nuevo juego de los creadores de "Celeste" se llama "Earthblade", parece que mantiene los saltos locos del anterior juego pero ese combate que aparece me lleva más a un Hollow Knight o similar
#celeste #earthblade #TheGameAwards
El nuevo juego de los creadores de "Celeste" se llama "Earthblade", parece que mantiene los saltos locos del anterior juego pero ese combate que aparece me lleva más a un Hollow Knight o similar
#celeste #earthblade #TheGameAwards
I don't give a damn about the #gameawards but woooooaaaaa both #hades2 AND #earthblade in one night? Fuck yesss
#earthblade #hades2 #gameawards
I can't contain my excitement at Celeste's team building an action-adventure platformer! 🫠
I'm going into hibernation until 2024. Talk to you then! 😪
RT @earthblade_game
It’s happening - #Earthblade is coming in 2024!!
⚔️ 🌷 ⚔️
@fierceaxolotl @exok An incredible showing for #Indie fans! #Hades2 and #Earthblade both look amazing!
Some of my art for #Earthblade! 💕
More info here:
sure am glad i skipped watching this live, so nice to just pick the few trailers that interest me...wym something about Bill Clinton? clip please
anyways Oh No there are now Seventy Dollar Next Gen Games that I Want To Play, such as: #FinalFantasyXVI #ArmoredCore and #Returnal
at least kino is coming in hot with #HadesII and #Earthblade (ok maybe coming in cool on the latter, take your time EXOK)
#FinalFantasyXVI #armoredcore #returnal #hadesii #earthblade
It was awesome to see big indie game announcements at #TheGameAwards today.
A trailer for #Earthblade , an upcoming game by @exok. And then #SuperGiantGames shows us #Hades2 ?! I am SO excited.
Also, I feel like The Game Awards are getting better. Overall I enjoyed it more than expected! What about you?
#hades2 #supergiantgames #earthblade #thegameawards
Some of my art for #Earthblade! 💕
More info here:
Aah feels so nice to finally have our #Earthblade teaser out!! Thanks so much for the support, everyone! 💜
I think the thing I'm most excited for with Earthblade, is that knowing how forgiving Celeste was (which I really loved), we could expect the same from it.
I haven't played many metroidvanias, but Hollow Knight just felt very punishing for me (someone not good at games). I'm hoping I'll enjoy this game more.