Why in the ever-loving fuck is there another Moon race when half of Earth is on fire and the other half flooded. Maybe spend some resources on your home planet before flexing your “we just landed on the south pole of the moon” bullshit bc honestly who gives a fuck. You planning to live on a lunar bio-dome when Earth becomes inhabitable? What is this? Just what the actual fuck is this???
#climatechange #earthcrisis #spacerace #EatTheRich
#earthcrisis #steelpulse #1984
One of my favorite albums to spin at dorm parties which meant the vinyl got all scratched to hell. I got so much joy out of this album and heard in it a call to revolt against capitalism that just charged me up even more. But Idunno maybe that was the weed & the beer talkin cause I just looked up a buncha those lyrics & well maybe I’m an idiot. Still a great jam & a great memory & still delighted me when I listened through today.
#todaysamazingalbumpick #earthcrisis #steelpulse
Symling, a neologism. #symbioethics #language #EarthCrisis #healing http://seasonalight.com/2019/03/20/symling-a-neologism/
#healing #earthcrisis #language #symbioethics
@ClimateHuman please, please, please consider calling for egalitarian ecoliteracy tailored for bioregions as foundation to ALL education (sci inclusive, of course, but not just science). Cradle to grave. No one left behind on life systems understanding and cultural acceptance - collective value shift - deep change across all sectors.
#ecophilosophy #EarthCrisis #compassion #values #ethics #pedagogy #protest #education #climate #life
#life #climate #education #protest #pedagogy #ethics #values #compassion #earthcrisis #ecophilosophy
On moral imagination (overlooked, yet vitally human), I contend it may be useful to provide new forms of creative analogy (positive & negative) within non-fiction to support. Obvious magic without insult to truth? I call them "miratics". Here is the recording I made beside the River Lugg for presentation to the English Shared Futures conference hosted by MMU this summer.
#ecophilosophy #neologisms #EnglishLiterature #CreativeNonFiction #story #EarthCrisis
#earthcrisis #story #CreativeNonfiction #englishliterature #neologisms #ecophilosophy
Monday's album of the day
#vegan #hardcore #straightedge #earthcrisis
#earthcrisis #straightedge #hardcore #vegan
British seasonal celebratory images are not particularly representative of reality these days. December mahonia provides winter sustenance for all kinds of flying bees and flies still active. Christmas card, anyone? #MastoArt #bees #flowers #pollination #images #culture #art #EarthCrisis #ClimateChange #UK #lichenification #fluminart
#fluminart #lichenification #uk #climatechange #earthcrisis #art #culture #images #pollination #flowers #bees #mastoart
My neologisms, just offerings made of my own linguistic rootedness (not intended to appropriate), to aid understanding of our collective challenges... a kind of celebration, but also a critique. #Anthropocene #neologisms #ecolinguistics #ecophilosophy #SpringTheory #language #EarthCrisis #MastoPhilosophy #Sym
#Sym #mastoPhilosophy #earthcrisis #language #springtheory #ecophilosophy #ecolinguistics #neologisms #anthropocene