Will Potter on How the State and the Media Go After Radical Movements
We’re in an unprecedented rollback of #CivilLiberties. States are passing laws to #OutlawProtests and #DirectAction, charging non-violent protesters with “#DomesticTerrorism” and #legalizing the #RunningOver of people blocking traffic. #StateSurveillance of activists has increased dramatically. Police budgets are getting astronomical increases to further militarize the state. In Atlanta, in the #StopCopCity campaign, police #assassinated a #ForestDefender, #Tortuguita, who had their hands up and then tried to claim self-defense.
To put this all in context, we talk with investigative journalist and author Will Potter (@will_potter). We discuss the #StopHuntington #AnimalCruelty campaign, the #EarthLiberationFront, the taming down of climate actions in the 2010s and how the police state ignored right wing terror groups in the same period.
We also discuss the role of the #FBI and the liberal #CorporateMedia in going after radical movements, how Cop City is shifting things and where popular culture fits into the story.
#civilliberties #outlawprotests #directaction #domesticterrorism #legalizing #runningover #statesurveillance #stopcopcity #assassinated #forestdefender #tortuguita #stophuntington #animalcruelty #earthliberationfront #fbi #corporatemedia
OK so there's a podcast series about the #EarthLiberationFront and it's made by the BBC. It's called Burn Wild and I've listened to the trailer.
Should I give it a go, or am I outing myself as a masochist and I should go get whipped instead?
Craig Rosebraugh's tale was quite wild
When he joined the Earth Liberation Front
Little did he know
His life would take a show
And it'd end with an eco-terrorist book deal
#ecoterrorism #earthliberationfront #craigrosebraugh #bookdeal #limerick #poetry
#earthliberationfront #craigrosebraugh #bookdeal #limerick #poetry #ecoterrorism
Fascinerende podcast van de BCC Burn Wild over radicaal en militant in de jaren ´90 en de ook nu weer brandende vraag: hoe ver mag je gaan om de planeet te redden. https://open.spotify.com/show/2xMjVjfYo1mjtt1mvfkv88?si=b1ae74e5f01e4bbe
#earthliberationfront #earthfirst #extinctionrebellion #activism #juststopoil
#earthliberationfront #EarthFirst #ExtinctionRebellion #activism #juststopoil
Empfehlung, weil es derzeit thematisch passt:
Im BBC Podcast #BurnWild wird die Geschichte von Joseph Dibee und Josephine Sunshine Overaker von der #EarthLiberationFront erzählt, die Ende der 1990er als radikale Umweltschützer Brandanschläge verübten, dabei dafür sorgten, dass keine Menschen direkt Schaden nahmen.
Vom FBI wurden sie als "No.1 domestic terror threat" bezeichnet. Trotz zB dem rechtextremen Oklahoma City Bombing mit 168 Toten.
Via spotify etc zu hören
#BurnWild #earthliberationfront
Environmental activist Joseph Dibee will avoid additional prison time for late-90s arsons carried out under the banner of the #EarthLiberationFront and #AnimalLiberationFront. His story is pretty amazing! 1/10
#earthliberationfront #animalliberationfront
We Don’t Forget : Support Joseph Dibee, Environmentalist Accused of Sabotage - https://crimethinc.com/2018/08/20/we-dont-forget-support-joseph-dibee-environmentalist-accused-of-sabotage
"In the 1990s, environmentalists and animal rights activists engaged in campaigns to put a stop to climate change, animal exploitation, and the destruction of biodiversity" #earthliberationfront #JosephDibee
#earthliberationfront #josephdibee