The suspect, who entered the empty buildings during the earthquake in Adana to steal, was caught red-handed by the citizens. #istifa #AhbapDernegi #earthquakeinturkey #depremin5 #Yunanistan #don't do it #NasuhMahruki #AhmetHakan #hatay #arzuapartmanı #yagma
#istifa #ahbapdernegi #earthquakeinturkey #depremin5 #yunanistan #don #nasuhmahruki #ahmethakan #hatay #arzuapartmani #yagma
The suspect, who entered the empty buildings during the earthquake in Adana to steal, was caught red-handed by the citizens. #istifa #AhbapDernegi #earthquakeinturkey #depremin5 #Yunanistan #don't do it #NasuhMahruki #AhmetHakan #hatay #arzuapartmanı #yagma
#istifa #ahbapdernegi #earthquakeinturkey #depremin5 #yunanistan #don #nasuhmahruki #ahmethakan #hatay #arzuapartmani #yagma
The suspect, who entered the empty buildings during the earthquake in Adana to steal, was caught red-handed by the citizens. #istifa #AhbapDernegi #earthquakeinturkey #depremin5 #Yunanistan #don't do it #NasuhMahruki #AhmetHakan #hatay #arzuapartmanı #yagma
#istifa #ahbapdernegi #earthquakeinturkey #depremin5 #yunanistan #don #nasuhmahruki #ahmethakan #hatay #arzuapartmani #yagma
The suspect, who entered the empty buildings during the earthquake in Adana to steal, was caught red-handed by the citizens. #istifa #AhbapDernegi #earthquakeinturkey #depremin5 #Yunanistan #don't do it #NasuhMahruki #AhmetHakan #hatay #arzuapartmanı #yagma
#istifa #ahbapdernegi #earthquakeinturkey #depremin5 #yunanistan #don #nasuhmahruki #ahmethakan #hatay #arzuapartmani #yagma
2 editions have been sold so far. Does anyone else want to help @tezquakeaid?
#help #tezos #nft #ahbap #midjourney #teia #ai #earthquakeinturkey #donation
#help #tezos #nft #ahbap #midjourney #teia #ai #earthquakeinturkey #donation
3 editions have been sold so far. Does anyone else want to help @tezquakeaid?
#help #tezos #nft #ahbap #midjourney #teia #ai #earthquakeinturkey #donation
#help #tezos #nft #ahbap #midjourney #teia #ai #earthquakeinturkey #donation
In dieser Woche organisiert das Keuning-Haus in der #Nordstadt von #Dortmund zwei Mal Benefiz-Veranstaltungen für #Erdbebenopfer in der #Türkei und #Syrien. #DKH #earthquakeinsyria #earthquakeinturkey
#nordstadt #dortmund #erdbebenopfer #turkei #syrien #DKH #earthquakeinsyria #earthquakeinturkey
My contribution to #TezQuakeAid.
10 ed.
1.0602 tez
Donations will be sent to #AHBAP @tezquakeaid
Tezos community initiative to help those affected by the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Our aim is to raise funds and make a donation to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that are working on the ground in rescue operations and providing further relief and support to the survivors.
#tezos #nft #midjourney #earthquakeinturkey #donation #teia #ai
#tezquakeaid #ahbap #tezos #nft #midjourney #earthquakeinturkey #donation #teia #ai
My contribution to #TezQuakeAid.
10 ed.
1.0602 tez
Donations will be sent to #AHBAP @tezquakeaid
Tezos community initiative to help those affected by the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Our aim is to raise funds and make a donation to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that are working on the ground in rescue operations and providing further relief and support to the survivors.
#help #tezos #nft #midjourney #earthquakeinturkey #donation #teia #ai
#tezquakeaid #ahbap #help #tezos #nft #midjourney #earthquakeinturkey #donation #teia #ai
RT @luc_triangle: @industriAll_EU @IndustriALL_GU @Kemal4ITUC support and solidarity to citizens and workers #earthquakeinturkey
Please continue to share this fundraiser across your networks. Another devastating hit for the region with ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE, but people are still being pulled from the rubble of the original earthquake, so there is hope. Please continue to give generously and encourage others to do likewise.
Donate (and share) here 👇
#earthquake #earthquaketurkey #earthquakeinturkey #earthquakesyria #earthquaketurkey2023 #earthquakerelief #syriaearthquake #SyriaTurkeyEarthquake #turkiye #TurkiyeEarthquake #TurkiyeQuakes
#earthquake #earthquaketurkey #earthquakeinturkey #earthquakesyria #earthquaketurkey2023 #earthquakerelief #syriaearthquake #syriaturkeyearthquake #turkiye #turkiyeearthquake #turkiyequakes
Deprem Listesi #earthquaketurkey #earthquakeinturkey list
Adana Gebze İzmir Ceyhan istanbul deprem depremi ne zaman oldu
*Ceyhan, Adana depremi ne zaman 27.06.1998 16:55 Magnitude 6.2
*17.08.1999 03:02 Gölcük, Kocaeli, İstanbul 7.4
*30.10.2020 14:51 İzmir EGE 6.9
*06.02.2023 04.17 Gaziantep Şehitkamil Hatay 7.8
13.24 Kahramanmaras 7.6
Ref link: "Türkiye'deki depremler listesi" in Wİkipediaürkiye'deki_depremler_listesi
#earthquaketurkey #earthquakeinturkey
Al meer dan 140 vrachtwagens met hulp naar Syrisch rebellengebied
#aardbeving #Syrië #Turkije #earthquake #earthquakeinturkey #earthquakes
#earthquakes #earthquakeinturkey #earthquake #turkije #syrie #aardbeving
bengisu_dogalurunler an organic natural food market after #earthquake #earthquakeinturkey Elbistan Depremi #deprem #EarthquakeTurkey Turkiye #foodcrisis
#earthquake #earthquakeinturkey #deprem #earthquaketurkey #foodcrisis
We stand with the People of Turkey and Syria.
They urgently need humanitarian help.
Erdogan and Assad must stop blocking aid from reaching the citizens.
Full humanitarian access now! #eudk #earthquake #earthquakeinturkey #earthquakesyria #dkpol
#eudk #earthquake #earthquakeinturkey #earthquakesyria #dkpol
La troisième cargaison d'aide de l'Iran arrive en Turquie.
17 editions have been sold so far. Does anyone else want to help @tezquakeaid?
#help #tezos #nft #ahbap #midjourney #teia #ai #earthquakeinturkey #donation
#help #tezos #nft #ahbap #midjourney #teia #ai #earthquakeinturkey #donation
Stichting Vervoer Hulpgoederen wil veilig transport naar Turkije en Syrië organiseren
#Giro555 #hulpactie #aardbeving #aardbevingen #earthquake #Turkije #Turkey #Syrië #Syria #earthquaketurkey #earthquakeinturkey
#earthquakeinturkey #earthquaketurkey #syria #syrie #turkey #turkije #earthquake #aardbevingen #aardbeving #hulpactie #giro555
#Turchia, #miracolo a #Kahramanmaras: salva dopo 222 ore
#nuovosalvataggio #earthquakeinturkey #news #esteri #cronaca #15febbraio #buonenotizie #turkey #TurkeySyriaEarthquake
#turchia #miracolo #kahramanmaras #nuovosalvataggio #earthquakeinturkey #news #esteri #cronaca #15febbraio #buonenotizie #turkey #turkeysyriaearthquake
15 editions have been sold so far. Does anyone want to help @tezquakeaid?
#help #tezos #nft #ahbap #midjourney #teia #ai #earthquakeinturkey #donation
#help #tezos #nft #ahbap #midjourney #teia #ai #earthquakeinturkey #donation