nuovo episodio di Lore Lounge!
Un classico del fantasy a firma di una maestra del genere fantastico e speculativo: Ursula K. Le Guin.
L'arcipelago di Earthsea, con la sua ricchezza etnografia e le sottigliezze metafisiche è giustamente riconosciuto come un pilastro della narrativa per ragazzi e non solo.
#podcast #fantasy #libri #letture #ursulakleguin #earthsea
Here's the last Sadler's Lectures podcast episode on Ursula K Leguin (for now), focusing on the reintegration that brings her A Wizard of Earthsea to a close
#Podcast #Earthsea #Leguin #Shadow #Evil #Integration #Magic #Conflict #Responsibility
#responsibility #conflict #magic #integration #evil #shadow #leguin #earthsea #podcast
One great aspect to Ursula K Leguin's novel A Wizard of Earthsea is the friendship that develops between two young mages, Vetch and Sparrowhawk, continuing on to the very end of the story
#Podcast #Earthsea #Friendship #Love #Companions #Leguin #Loyalty
#loyalty #leguin #companions #love #friendship #earthsea #podcast
Here's the next Sadler's Lectures podcast episode on Ursula K Leguin's novel A Wizard of Earthsea. It focuses on an age-old theme: power doesn't always dispel threats but puts one in the path of new dangers
#Power #Podcast #Magic #Earthsea #Leguin #Wisdom
#wisdom #leguin #earthsea #magic #podcast #power
Here's the next Sadler's Lectures podcast episode on Ursula K Leguin's novel, A Wizard of Earthsea. This one looks at a really key moral theme, Ged's struggle with his pride & the tough lessons he learns
#Podcast #Leguin #Earthsea #Pride #Humility #Power
#power #humility #pride #earthsea #leguin #podcast
Here's the next Sadler's Lectures podcast episode on Ursula K Leguin's novel A Wizard of Earthsea. The young mage-in training Ged brings evil into the world through recklessness and pride
#Podcast #Leguin #Earthsea #Evil #Shadows #Magic #Recklessness
#recklessness #magic #shadows #evil #earthsea #leguin #podcast
Here's the next Sadler's Lectures podcast episode on Ursula K. Leguin's novel A Wizard of Earthsea, this one on how magical power works in that narrative universe
#Podcast #Fantasy #Leguin #Earthsea #Magic #Power #Literature
#literature #power #magic #earthsea #leguin #fantasy #podcast
Each month, I do a live reading of one my all-time favorite short stories, with Q&A and discussion afterwards. This time it was Ursula K. Leguin's "The Rule of Names".
#Storytelling #Reading #Video #Leguin #Earthsea #Dragon #Magic #Wizard #Pendor
#pendor #wizard #magic #dragon #earthsea #leguin #video #reading #storytelling
Here's the first in a set of new Sadler's Lectures podcast episodes focused on a short but wonderful fantasy novel A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Leguin!
#Leguin #Podcast #Earthsea #Magic #Names #Metaphysics #Language #Fantasy
#fantasy #language #metaphysics #names #magic #earthsea #podcast #leguin
An epic encounter. The power of knowing one's true name. Definitely one of the best scenes ever written in the history of fiction.
#earthsea #UrsulaLeGuin
Thinking about how the internet is like #Earthsea: people have their use-names, though some go by their true names.
We finished Ursula LeGuin’s “The Farthest Shore” last night and man were my dreams weird. This one is really gonna stick with me I think. I love LeGuin’s #worldbuilding and while I could go on just know I really enjoyed this one. #Earthsea
Currently revamping the BIND #ttrpg with a magic system inspired by #Earthsea.
Casters stack Verbs, Nouns, and Adjectives together to make spells.
- Destroy Fire (put a lantern out)
- Wide Alter Flesh (give a group of people horns)
- Create Complex, Wide Air (make a noxious cloud)
A few more lol:
#TheLegendOfKorra #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #TheDragonPrince #BuffyTheVampireSlayer #EarthSea #Discworld #TerryPratchett #MontyPython ( #MontyPythonsFlyingCircus ) #FawltyTowers #RockyHorrorPictureShow #Switch #TableTopGames #Amphibia #SpongeBob ( #SpongeBobSquarePants ) #OpenSource #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #Atypical #Autism #AsWeSeeIt #Farscape #Splatoon #BaldursGate #MissMarple #MurderMystery #OneDayAtATime #GilmoreGirls #JoJosBizzareAdventure #ScoobyDoo #DouglasAdams
#thelegendofkorra #whatwedointheshadows #thedragonprince #buffythevampireslayer #earthsea #discworld #terrypratchett #montypython #montypythonsflyingcircus #fawltytowers #rockyhorrorpictureshow #switch #tabletopgames #amphibia #spongebob #spongebobsquarepants #opensource #floss #freesoftware #atypical #autism #asweseeit #farscape #splatoon #baldursgate #missmarple #murdermystery #onedayatatime #gilmoregirls #jojosbizzareadventure #scoobydoo #douglasadams
#WritingWonders 6/6. MC nicknames?
Afterthought: surprised it took me this long but now I'm thinking of #Earthsea, where everyone has a 'usename' and a 'true name' - the MC is called Sparrowhawk, but his true name is Ged. True names have great power and people usually only reveal them to a very few trusted others. #UrsulaKLeGuin
My Dad once told me that the origin of our surname is also Sparrowhawk, which I haven't verified but damn well ought to be true.
#writingcommunity #ursulakleguin #earthsea #writingwonders
REVIEW: Cinder Well's gothic trance folk is both impressionistic and high exacting: an otherworldly listening experience that calls to mind Ursula K LeGuin's Earthsea series.
#Americana #Folk #FolkMusic #CelticMusic #WorldMusic #acoustic #trance #TranceMusic #Earthsea #UrsulaKLeGuin
#ursulakleguin #earthsea #trancemusic #trance #acoustic #worldmusic #celticmusic #folkmusic #folk #americana
Ursula K Le Guin was an amazing person. I think her sci fi has had more of an effect on me as a person (particularly The Dispossesed), but #Earthsea has a huge influence on all of my fantasy #TTRPG writing, right up there next to #Malazan as my biggest inspiration when writing for TTRPGs
I listened to audiobooks for the first five #Earthsea books back when I had to commute to work. When I started working from home, I didn’t have that time in my day for listening to audio books, so I never quite got around to finishing the series. But I just borrowed the 6th book from the library and started reading it, and wow I missed this series. Every entry in the series is just so wonderful and magical, I think I might just have to read it through again once I finish
Stumbled across a mention of SyFy's notoriously bad adaptation of the first two Earthsea books and went looking for commentary on it. I think this scathing article by Le Guin herself gets the idea across.
#fantasy #earthsea #whitewashing
My little group is reading (or re- reading) the #earthsea series.
This is just an admission to nobody in particular that LeGuin's writings have more than I ever imagined. Ged as a model for how to hold power while being kind is still something I find myself learning from.
I wish I had understood that message better when I was younger.