Bester Account auf Youtube für alternatives Leben und Wohnen -->
#permakultur #leben #wohnen #earthship #tinyhouse
3/4 At the same time I think mostly about things like #collecting #rainwater, #composting, #revitalising #soil, #generating our own #electricity, #planting #trees, #helping #animals, helping #humans, promoting #veganism, building an #earthship, being with #friends and #family, being #outside in #nature, #singing, #dancing, cultivating #consciousness, promoting #rawveganism and #health. 😇️
#Health #rawveganism #consciousness #dancing #singing #Nature #outside #family #friends #earthship #veganism #humans #Animals #helping #Trees #planting #electricity #generating #soil #revitalising #composting #rainwater #collecting
In this Earthship, witness the potential of harmonious, eco-friendly design respecting our planet's beauty and inhabitants' well-being. The exterior features a living roof, blending with nature, while the well-planned interior provides a calm, inviting atmosphere.
#Usa #Newmexico #Taos #Earthshipbiotecture #Architecture #Earthship #Design #Happiness #Fun #Joy #Calm #Warm #Nature #Environment #Desert #Tranquility #Sky #Construction #Climatechange #Plant #Building #Window #Facade #Roof #House
#usa #newmexico #taos #earthshipbiotecture #architecture #earthship #design #happiness #fun #joy #calm #warm #nature #environment #desert #tranquility #sky #construction #climatechange #plant #building #window #facade #roof #house
Afet sonrası barınma ve çeşitli mekânsal ihtiyaçları karşılamak amacıyla, toprağı yapı malzemesi olarak kullanan katılımcı inşa yöntemleri üzerine Ceren Yıldırım’dan #HİM10Yıl dizisinde:
#CerenYıldırım #HİM mimarlık #afet #barınma #toprak #Earthship #manifold #ManifoldPress #deprem
#him10yil #cerenyildirim #him #afet #barinma #toprak #earthship #manifold #manifoldpress #deprem
@goodnews Want to build one myself! 🤓 Check out this amazing #earthship in Puerto Rico:
Nachhaltiges Leben ohne Stromnetz: Earthship in der Wüste New Mexicos
Earthship-Kuppeln, bunte Türme aus recycelten und natürlichen Materialien, scheinen aus der mexikanischen Wüste aufzusteigen. Der Traum des außergewöhnlichen Architekten Michael Re...
#Change #EarthShip #img #Mexico #NachhaltigesWohnen #Reynolds #Wohnen #GoodNews
#change #earthship #img #mexico #nachhaltigeswohnen #Reynolds #wohnen #goodnews
Nachhaltiges Leben ohne Stromnetz: Earthship in der Wüste New Mexicos
Earthship-Kuppeln, bunte Türme aus recycelten und natürlichen Materialien, scheinen aus der mexikanischen Wüste aufzusteigen. Der Traum des außergewöhnlichen Architekten Michael Re...
#Change #EarthShip #img #Mexico #NachhaltigesWohnen #Reynolds #Wohnen #GoodNews
#change #earthship #img #mexico #nachhaltigeswohnen #reynolds #wohnen #goodnews
Earthships sind Gebäude, die
...durch passive Wärmegewinnung /-speicherung geheizt werden.
...aus gebrauchten Autoreifen gebaut werden, die als thermischer Speicher dienen.
...autark hinsichtlich Wärme, Strom, Frisch- und Abwasser sind.
Etwa 3000 Earthships wurden bisher gebaut, davon 1 in D. Damit dieses dem dt. Baurecht entspricht, musste es 1. wissenschaftlich begleitet werden ("Experimentalbau"), und 2. auf die autarke Regen-/Abwassernutzung verzichtet werden.
#earthship #architektur
Nachhaltiges Leben ohne Stromnetz: Earthship in der Wüste New Mexicos
Earthship-Kuppeln, bunte Türme aus recycelten und natürlichen Materialien, scheinen aus der mexikanischen Wüste aufzusteigen. Der Traum des außergewöhnlichen Architekten Michael Re...
#Change #EarthShip #img #Mexico #NachhaltigesWohnen #Reynolds #Wohnen #GoodNews
#goodnews #wohnen #reynolds #nachhaltigeswohnen #mexico #img #earthship #change
Reasons to be cheerful. 1, 2, 3. #ClimateCrisis #Homes #Ecological #Architecture #Earthship #Sustainable #Construction #Taos #USA #MichaelReynolds
#climatecrisis #homes #ecological #architecture #earthship #sustainable #construction #taos #usa #michaelreynolds
Cool #EarthShip playlist:
@Iragersh @bsmall2 oh so you're looking for a one-size-fits-all solution. interesting. a "sustainable urban lifestyle" in NYC wouldn't work for me in rural Vermont. However many aspects of my lifestyle are sustainable, #LowImpact and renewable. I use nature as my measure. (in the ways that #WesJackson and #WendellBerry teach). The vision of an #Earthship is to be sustainable and to meet the needs of that place -making each unique. So, for example, the one on Puerto Rico is hurricane proof, solar, multiple water collection & filtration receptacles and is surrounded by a food forest and gardens that grow native foods. it uses the cooler air from the ground to cool the living spaces. which is so important all year in a tropical climate. the specifics of that wouldn’t be useful to many places off the island/outside of a tropical climate. but the bigger ideas would be
the most impressive feature of the earthship design, IMO, is #bioarchitecture. they are built using trash/recycling and other non traditional materials. there is some real forward thinking around bio architecture that can be used in many different climates so i’d imagine in urban and rural places too.
thx for sharing your thoughts!
#earthship #BioArchitecture #lowimpact #wesjackson #wendellberry
I love this so much and want something like it so bad, but I know that no one reading this is likely to have that option, and I'm again wondering about scalable #ecohousing on the #budget of an existing high rise :brain3:
#solarpunk #earthship #ecofriendly #ecoliving #therearesomegoodideasinhere
Watch "Turns derelict mountain home into #NetPositive dream #homestead" on YouTube
#ecohousing #budget #solarpunk #earthship #ecofriendly #ecoliving #therearesomegoodideasinhere #netpositive #homestead
Yes! Yes!
I've definitely seen a couple of those before, but I did not know the #Earthship or #Solarpunk names.
Life Goals
Thank you!
Hey, here's an open question: do you ever think of things you would have to do to live in a #CarbonNeutral dwelling? Would you try retrofitting where you currently live, or try and move to a place that already is carbon neutral?
Examples of #retrofitting would be exchanging windows, adding extra insulation, installing a clean electricity source, exchanging appliances, and so on.
A place that's already carbon neutral could be a freshly built house/apartment building that uses the right materials, an #earthship something else.
#CarbonNeutral #retrofitting #earthship
@bsmall2 Interesting article but very one-sided. Just visited the #EarthShip #BioTecture site in #Taos. Impressed but realized so much was not talked about. A great idea. Their time has passed. Admitting that there are no new ideas here. Its not scalable. It works best in dry climates.
@dutchbarracuda Just visited the #earthShip #BioTecture location in #Taos. Thinking that their time has passed. It was a good idea at the time. Seems to rely on dry weather, cheap labor, cheap and plentiful land, ignoring lots of issues, assuming buried tires are inert.
Biosphere, the biotic and abiotic ecosphere.
These are the voyages of the planet Earth.
Its continuing orbit around a bright yellow dwarf star, to evolve new life forms and new civilizations, to "boldly" go around where it.........? erm? went around before.
#space #Biosphere #ecosphere #ecology #biotic #abiotic #cosmos #cosmology #EarthShip #starship #stars #earth #planet #evolution #civilisation #species #music #startrek #comedy #education
#space #biosphere #ecosphere #ecology #biotic #abiotic #cosmos #cosmology #earthship #starship #stars #earth #planet #Evolution #civilisation #species #music #startrek #comedy #education