"Hello everyone,
My name is Serge and I was seriously injured, like many others, at the demonstration against the Sainte-Soline mega-basin on March 25, 2023.
All this reminds us that it is vital that no beating, no incarceration, no mutilation, no murder by the forces of capitalist social order should go unnoticed. They mutilate and murder people so often that it is no accident, it’s part of their job. Far too many stories around the world remind us that there’s no truer statement than the formula “ACAB.”
- A Message from Serge

Kaum das Serge sich geäußert hatte, hat der französische Staat nun die "Soulevements de la Terre" verboten. Solidarität mit den 18 Inhaftierten! ist kein Verbrechen!


#klimaschutz #dresden #jemesoulève #LetzteGeneration #earthsuprising

Last updated 1 year ago