A miniaturized, curved design for #EarTubes selectively filters fluids and delivers antibiotics faster than standard designs in chinchillas, while avoiding bacterial adhesions and fibrotic scarring. @ScienceTM https://scim.ag/2ie #press
A miniaturized, curved design for #EarTubes selectively filters fluids and delivers antibiotics faster than standard designs in chinchillas, while avoiding bacterial adhesions and fibrotic scarring. @ScienceTM https://scim.ag/2fi #press
A Child With Persistent Ear Fluid: Best Of: WBZ Radio: 0190
Vidcast: https://youtu.be/oSvHlq3mQBw
Dr. Smith and the child's mother discuss a medical approach to prevent the need for tube surgery.
#earinfections #otitis #serousotitis #eartubes #wbznewsradio
#earinfections #otitis #serousotitis #eartubes #wbznewsradio
Phthursday Musings: Muse In Your Ear https://metaspiel.substack.com/p/phthursday-musings-muse-in-your-ear #thewho #deadmeadow #moseallison #craigmack #ears #eartubes #brucemer
#thewho #deadmeadow #moseallison #craigmack #ears #eartubes #brucemer