Touch-wood, feeling a bit better from Flu. Last night in bed was a battle of fire and ice. My head particularly my inner right ear felt like a furnace. Oddly I was #EarWorming a #Hozier tune in the half-sleep waking dreams - at looking at lyrics today quite an apt one ...
"My head was warm
My skin was soaked
I called your name 'til the fever broke" ...
Touch-wood, feeling a bit better from Flu. Last night in bed was a battle of fire and ice. My head, particularly my inner right ear, felt like a furnace in a flood.
Oddly I was #EarWorming a #Hozier tune in the half-sleep waking dreams - at looking at lyrics today quite an apt one ...
"My head was warm
My skin was soaked
I called your name 'til the fever broke" ...
#EarWorming 👂🐛 a strange medley of Qué Sera Sera, Oh Christmas Tree and There's a Light Over at the Frankenstein Place (from Rocky Horror) .
#EarWorming 👂🐛 a strange medley of Qué Sera Sera, Oh Christmas Tree and There's a Light Over at the Frankenstein Place (from Rocky Horror) .
#EarWorming 👂🪱🎵
"The Dead Weather - Will There Be Enough Water? (Live from The Roxy)"