
Oddly enough, I just replayed the video to Matilde and she let out an ear-splitting loud bray when she heard her own voice.

I think it will be a long while before YouTube provides an option for sign-language interpretation, with a donkey in the corner of the screen.


Last updated 2 years ago


1. Both ears half back: "Oh no, what does the Peasant want? Is it time for my medication?"

2. Right ear half forward, left ear half back: "If it's food I'll have it: if it's the medication, I'm ready to run."

(This lesson from Aitana is part of our regular series of donkey semaphore classes.)


#donkeyoftheday #earyore #saturbray #asstodon

Last updated 2 years ago


I just looked at your picture again, as I'm focusing on language and it's a good example. But I read the picture description for the first time and wow! I never knew what a cotton field looks like!


Last updated 2 years ago


As the only entrant in the competition, I'd like to say that you put up a good fight and the loneliness of the long-distance quiz contestant is an inspiration to us all.

#earyore #asstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Time to announce the winner of the first quiz in the sub-hashtag

Thanks to the great response, I have spent nearly ten seconds going through the entries to find the winner.

The runner up is nobody and there were no wrong answers. @lizhanson is the winner. A set of rat dentures will be heading her way.

Correct answer: C. "EO" was terrified and disoriented. At that point in the film he was stressed, lost, and had encountered bad people. (Haven't we all?)

#fribray #earyore #asstodon

Last updated 2 years ago


No, no, no... 😜 You jumped the gun. That wasn't the quiz post: that was the *inspiration* for a quiz post! The quiz post is up now! Feel free to create more quiz posts!


Last updated 2 years ago

Here's your first *Donkey Ears Quiz* to celebrate our new sub-hashtag

Guess what the donkey ears are saying? The donkey "EO" from the new film of that name is saying:

a. Is there anything interesting to eat here?

b. I'm having a relaxing afternoon looking at clouds.

c. I am terrified and disoriented.

#fribray #earyore #asstodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's your *donkey ears* quiz on

Celebrating our new specialist sub-hashtag ...

Suggest a regular quiz: guess what the donkey ears are saying?

#fribray #earyore

Last updated 2 years ago

announcement on

A new specialist *donkey ears* sub-hashtag for posts mentioning the linguistics of ear-semaphore:

Suggest a regular quiz: guess what the donkey ears are saying?

#fribray #asstodon #equusasinus #earyore

Last updated 2 years ago


That's a super ear-semaphore follow up to your earlier list of donkey ears signals.

I think we need a new *donkey ears* hashtag for posts mentioning the linguistics of ear-semiology?

New hashtag:


#equusasinus #earyore

Last updated 2 years ago