Lesser Goldfinch eating pollen from Pride of Madeira flowers (with hummingbird cameo).
#SFBABirds #Birds #EastBayBirds #BerkeleyBirds #LesserGoldfinch #Hummingbird #Birding
#sfbabirds #birds #eastbaybirds #berkeleybirds #lessergoldfinch #hummingbird #birding
The warblers keep coming!
Visitors today are a Chickadee, Townsend’s Warbler, and then something entirely new. It took me a while to ID because there are so many drab olive birds with a white eyering, but then it revealed itself while bathing: an Orange-crowned Warbler! Our first at the bath, and a lifelister for me.
(I guess it doesn’t count as a lifelister, though, if on cam, not in real time.)
#EastBayBirds #BackyardBirds #BirdBath #BirdCam #SFBABirds #Warblers #OrangeCrownedWarbler
#eastbaybirds #backyardbirds #birdbath #birdcam #sfbabirds #warblers #orangecrownedwarbler
The Townsend’s Warbler stops by nearly every day now. And occasionally we see Yellow-rumped Warblers. But never both at the same time, until this capture. Towny didn’t stick around long, tho – Rumpy was getting too aggressive with the splashing.
#TownsendsWarbler #YellowrumpedWarbler #Birds #BackyardBirds #BirdBath #BirdCam #EastBayBirds
#townsendswarbler #yellowrumpedwarbler #birds #backyardbirds #birdbath #birdcam #eastbaybirds
Another Chickadee buddy. Hummers are usually too small to trigger the camera, so the Chicka came in handy here. #Hummingbird #Chickadee #EastBayBirds #BirdBath #BirdCam #Birds #BackyardBirds
#hummingbird #chickadee #eastbaybirds #birdbath #birdcam #birds #backyardbirds
Chickadee takes a dip. His buddy arrives, in comedic fashion (wait for it).
#Chickadee #ChestnutBackedChickadee #Titmouse #OakTitmouse #EastBayBirds #BirdCam #Birds #SFBABirds #BirdBath #BackyardBirds
#chickadee #chestnutbackedchickadee #titmouse #oaktitmouse #eastbaybirds #birdcam #birds #sfbabirds #birdbath #backyardbirds
Chickadee takes a dip. His buddy arrives, in comedic fashion (wait for it).
#Chickadee #ChestnutBackedChickadee #Titmouse #OakTitmouse #EastBayBirds #BirdCam #Birds #SFBABirds #BirdBath #BackyardBirds
#chickadee #chestnutbackedchickadee #titmouse #oaktitmouse #eastbaybirds #birdcam #birds #sfbabirds #birdbath #backyardbirds
Returning to an old birdsite tradition: the latest visitors to our bird bath.
Here’s this morning’s Steller’s Jay. (These crested beauties are sometimes misidentified by nonbirdnerds as Blue Jays, but those have white stripes in their head and they don’t usually appear west of the Rockies.)
#birdbathcam #birds #birding #eastbaybirds