School is out and the party is on for the Fourth of July and beyond! Enjoy the summer holiday safely and fully with the East Bay Regional Parks District. Join in the fun with hiking, swimming, Bat Watches, s'mores, campfires, and more.
#ebrpd #hiking #alameda #EastBay #swimming #FourthOfJuly #FamilyActivities #SummerActivities #EastBayRegionalParks #ArdenwoodHistoricFarm #EastBayRegionalParkDistrict
#ebrpd #hiking #alameda #EastBay #swimming #fourthofjuly #familyactivities #summeractivities #eastbayregionalparks #ardenwoodhistoricfarm #eastbayregionalparkdistrict
The shoreline landscaping project next to the Encinal Boat Ramp might not look extravagant, but it's become a hotspot for bees and birds. Richard Bangert shares photos of the critters utilizing the area which was enhanced by the East Bay Regional Park District in 2020.
#birds #alameda #habitat #birdwatching #EncinalBoatRamp #SandDuneRestoration #EastBayRegionalParkDistrict
#birds #alameda #habitat #birdwatching #encinalboatramp #sanddunerestoration #eastbayregionalparkdistrict
Steve Gorman visits Big Break Regional Shoreline and shares wildlife photos, history, visitor tips, and safety reminders after a harrowing mishap in his kayak at low tide.
#alameda #kayaking #wildlife #shoreline #ShorelinePark #BayAreaTreasure #EastBayRegionalParkDistrict
#alameda #kayaking #wildlife #shoreline #shorelinepark #bayareatreasure #eastbayregionalparkdistrict