Hi, I'm Buddy. I had some serious health problems, but some angels from FAAS and friends provided financial support when I needed it most. My writer lady friend, Liz Barrett, shares the story of my life from being feral to becoming a healthy, happy, housecat.
#cats #faas #icra #pets #buddy #alameda #SkylaFund #EastBaySpca #HaywardVeterinaryHospital #IslandCatResourcesAndAdoption #FriendsOfTheAlamedaAnimalShelter
#cats #faas #icra #pets #buddy #alameda #skylafund #eastbayspca #haywardveterinaryhospital #islandcatresourcesandadoption #friendsofthealamedaanimalshelter
This is Cruz, a 2 year old Alaskan Malamute, at the #EastBaySPCA in #Dublin CA. Loves long walks and belly rubs... and appears to know he's too big for my lap (he's more of a leaner). 120 pounds. #RescueDogsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon
#eastbayspca #dublin #rescuedogsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon
I met Daffodil today. #RescueDogs #DogsOfMastodon #EastBaySPCA
#RescueDogs #dogsofmastodon #eastbayspca