With the syllabi complete, it's on to whipping up those Brightspace pages! Aiming for nice and frothy. To the line.
@histodons @mazeldon @edutooters #history #syllabus #SpringSemester #EastCentralEurope #ComparativeGenocide #BeerMetaphorAlert
#beermetaphoralert #comparativegenocide #eastcentraleurope #springsemester #syllabus #history
Dear fellow #EastCentralEurope historians (#history #Histodons #mazeldon) ! I am looking for 2 of you (I am happy that @JohannaMellis is already on board!) who would be willing to zoom into my ECE survey class this semester, spring 2023, on a Friday from 2:30-3:20pm ET (14.30-15:20 ET) to present a favorite document from your #archives #research in the "Look What I Found!" class feature! It's great fun! The students love it and get a lot out of talking with you. DM me! 🤩
#research #archives #mazeldon #histodons #history #eastcentraleurope
If you are interested in doing a Look What I Found! , please drop me a DM! #EastCentralEurope #histodon #research #archives
#archives #research #histodon #eastcentraleurope
Dear fellow #EastCentralEurope historians (#history #Histodon) ! I am looking for 3 of you who would be willing to zoom into my ECE 20th century and beyond survey class *next semester (spring 2023)* on a Friday at 2:30pm ET (14.30 ET) to present a favorite document from your research in the "Look What I Found!" class feature! It's great fun! The students love it and get a lot out of talking with you. Send me a message or an email! 🤩
This is my first attempt at reaching out here on 🐘
#histodon #history #eastcentraleurope
Trained as an intellectual historian of #EastCentralEurope and #SoutheastEurope, I was always attracted to comparative and transnational approaches and researched late socialist #Hungarian and #Yugoslav historical knowledge production cultures for my PhD. I also worked on memory politics in EE 1970s to 2010. Some of my related publications, including a monograph, are still underway, but I do new research on state socialist women and the global condition only.
#eastcentraleurope #southeasteurope #hungarian #yugoslav
Hello! I joined mastodon yesterday and I am learning the ropes, while looking for old and new friends. I've just figured out how to add fields into my profile, so, if you are interested, there is more professional info about me there. I have realized through these past few years that I am actually an extrovert, which came as a surprise. Sending good wishes out into the cosmos! #histodon #refugees #displacement #migration #Habsburg #EastCentralEurope #introduction
#introduction #eastcentraleurope #Habsburg #migration #displacement #refugees #histodon