Fritz Bauer♟️⚜️ · @GerdKa_aus_DA
172 followers · 5050 posts · Server

Thanks for sharing. Very sad story...

Additional information:
The plaque at the house in Bavaria says

"Here lived in summer 1915
Sir Roger Casement,
a martyr for Irelands Freedom
a magnanimous friend of Germany in troubled times.

He sealed his love to his home country with his blood."

(Saw it is not translated on English Wikipedia page)

#ireland #irishhistory #rogercasement #easterrising #congo #peru #onthisday

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1106 followers · 2198 posts · Server

Today in Labor History April 24, 1916: The Easter rising began in Dublin. Irish rebels, led by James Connolly and Patrick Pearce, attempted to end British rule and create an independent Ireland. The armed uprising lasted six days. Men and women participated. 485 people died in the fighting, including 143 British soldiers and cops. The rest were mostly Irish civilians. The British ultimately prevailed. They took 3,500 prisoners and sent 1,800 to internment camps. They also executed sixteen of the Rising’s leaders, sparking outrage among the Irish public.

James Connolly was an Irish republican, socialist and union leader. Prior to the Easter Rising, he lived in Scotland and participated in Scottish socialist organizations. After that, he emigrated to the U.S., where he joined the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and founded the Irish Socialist Federation in New York. In Ireland, he was a leader of the Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union and participated in the Dublin lock-out, one of the largest and most severe labor disputes in Irish history.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #easterrising #dublin #ireland #colonialism #independence #IWW #jamesconnolly #patrickpearce #union #socialism

Last updated 2 years ago

Yusuf Toropov · @YusufToropov
977 followers · 6868 posts · Server
GMI · @gmi
12 followers · 247 posts · Server

Cent ans après la partition de l’Irlande
Marx, Engels et Lénine pour l’auto-détermination de l’Irlande

Après avoir pensé que la question de l’indépendance de l’Irlande n’était pas prioritaire, que la libération du pays serait une conséquence de la révolution prolétarienne en Grande-Bretag

#irlande #ira #insurrectiondePâques #insurrectiondeDublin #easterrising #connolly #colonisation #autodétermination

Last updated 2 years ago