Easter services were very good today. I hope your Easter is/was great.
#eastervigil #easterday #episcopalliturgy
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! #Easter
The #EasterVigil at #SJPHagerstown begins at 6:00 am EDT. The timing this year is perfect as sunrise comes just about the time we’re shouting the first Alleluia of the season.
Here’s hoping your Easter is as joyful, wonderful, and fearfully amazing as it was to those who first experienced it.
#easter #eastervigil #sjphagerstown
At tonight's Easter Vigil, a bat flying around the Fellowship Hall, an elderly lady bringing her ancient little white poodle to the service. #Easter #EasterVigil #EpiscopalChurch
#easter #eastervigil #episcopalchurch
O God, who made this most holy night to shine with the glory of the Lord's resurrection: Stir up in your Church that Spirit of adoption which is given to us in Baptism, that we, being renewed both in body and mind, may worship you in sincerity and truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
#EasterVigil #Easter #Anglican #Episcopal #HolyWeek #Lent #Triduum
#triduum #Lent #holyweek #episcopal #anglican #easter #eastervigil
Any Mastodon #Baptisms or #Confirmations today?
#baptisms #confirmations #easter #vigil #eastervigil
Paaswake in onze kerk vandaag. Om 19:00 uur met de kinderen en familie. Om 22:00 de Paaswake. Kom en vier met ons mee de komst van het licht van Christus.
Meer lezen over de dienst van de Paaswake: https://kro-ncrv.nl/katholiek/encyclopedie/p/paaswake
#paaswake #stillezaterdag #eastervigil #vierpasen #goedeweek
#goedeweek #vierpasen #eastervigil #stillezaterdag #paaswake