The #urbanfarming #nonprofit that I work with has just finished our #strategicplan When I think about what I contributed to the effort, the main thing is I said "We should use photos to tell our story, so someone who looks at the plan will come away knowing who we are even if they don't read the text but just look at the pictures." Then I helped implement that. If any of ya'll can let me know if we succeeded, I'd love to hear. #eastiefarm
#urbanfarming #nonprofit #StrategicPlan #eastiefarm
screening, Look Up Step Up Tuesday Jan 10 at #EastieFarm with #ExtinctionRebellionBoston
#film #environmentaljustice #urbanfarm #geothermal #greenhouse #boston #bospoli
#eastiefarm #extinctionrebellionboston #film #environmentaljustice #urbanfarm #geothermal #greenhouse #boston #bospoli