Pizza night! As an experiment, we topped this pie with mashed red fermented tofu, chopped kimchi, and mushrooms sautéed with soy sauce, green onions, and sesame seeds. #Cooking #Dinner #EastMeetsWest #Pizza #红腐乳
#cooking #dinner #eastmeetswest #pizza #红腐乳
The quintessential conference for "Startup Paradise" is back and in person, May 18-19, 2023. Explore the nexus between Asia and North American innovation, courtesy Blue Startups. Early Bird registration is now open!
#hawaii #hawaiistartups #eastmeetswest #asia #pacific #northamerica #startups #conference #events
#hawaii #hawaiistartups #eastmeetswest #asia #pacific #northamerica #startups #conference #events
@editor Lol! It's been a while except for that brief interaction a year ago at #eastmeetswest
My daughter was born in Morocco - but we like to say she is a Turkish product made by a moroccan and American partnership :)