There are serious limits to what you can do in terms of flood protection in a warming world with greater precipitation variability. Seeing that play out with San Francisquito Creek on the Palo Alto/Menlo Park/East Palo Alto border, and the fact that it would take a lot more channel volume to prevent a 1-in-100 year flood than the in-progress capacity increase is planning on.
#eastpaloalto #menlopark #paloalto
#BayArea power outages. #Gilroy is hard hit, so is #EastPaloAlto and many people in the foothills.
#bayarea #Gilroy #eastpaloalto
Excited to have this 8’h x 10’w photomural of The Living Shoreline Project in “Under Water” opening January 21 at the Palo Alto Art Center. Enjoy this timelapse video of the photomural installation. More details coming soon.
#timelapsevideo #behindthescenesvideo #photomural
#LivingShorelineProject #LandArt #Installationart #environmentalart #topographyart
#CooleyLanding #EastPaloAlto #SanFranciscoBay #Juncus
#timelapsevideo #behindthescenesvideo #photomural #livingshorelineproject #landart #installationart #environmentalart #topographyart #cooleylanding #eastpaloalto #sanfranciscobay #juncus
Facebook’s Bridge to Nowhere - The tech giant had already remade the virtual world. For a brief period, it also tried to... - #infrastructure(publicworks) #dumbartonrailbridge(calif) #eastbay(sanfranciscocalif) #computersandtheinternet #areaplanningandrenewal #bayarearapidtransit #eastpaloalto(calif) #internal-sub-only #metaplatformsinc #menlopark(calif) #transitsystems #facebookinc #socialmedia #california
#california #socialmedia #facebookinc #transitsystems #menlopark #metaplatformsinc #internal #eastpaloalto #bayarearapidtransit #areaplanningandrenewal #computersandtheinternet #eastbay #dumbartonrailbridge #infrastructure