Vermutlich haben Sie schon von #Westsplaining gehört? Neuerdings wird auch von #Russplaining gesprochen oder ironisch von #Eastsplaining. Doch welcher Westen und Osten sind gemeint? Sylvia Sasse mit einer Analyse.
#westsplaining #russplaining #eastsplaining
Another good post debunking russian propaganda - this time about peace talks #ukraine #eastsplaining #war #putin
#ukraine #eastsplaining #war #Putin
@Karamels sarebbe un vero peccato se i disertori ucraini, russi, moldavi, tatari, polacchi facessero #eastsplaining a chi accusava altri che invitavano a disertare di fare #westsplaining @ggg
Why what (sadly) Roger Waters is saying about Russia and Putin's intentions is bullshit
#eastsplaining #ukraine #russia
I wanted to share a great blog that debunks #westsplaining from the perspective of people living in central/eastern Europe. It takes some of the common arguments in the #West why #Ukraine should surrender to the #Russian aggressors and shows how they are misguided and frankly silly. I think it's well worth a read esp. if you do live in the West:
#eastsplaining #WarInUkraine #Europe #UkraineUpdate #EasternEurope
#westsplaining #west #ukraine #russian #eastsplaining #WARINUKRAINE #europe #ukraineupdate #easterneurope