Well done to the people of Fermoy for standing up to racism! https://m.independent.ie/news/hundreds-stand-against-racism-at-fermoy-rally-42192947.html
#fermoy #eastwall #eastwallprotests
#fermoy #eastwall #eastwallprotests
It seems as though the #EastWallProtests are continuing.
I'm sure there are local residents frustrated by the lack of control they feel they have regarding the program to host immigrants in the area, but to see those sentiments be co-opted by a right wing element that have a specificy anti-immigrant, anti-EU nationalist agenda is sad.
I've grown up in an Ireland that's taken bold steps to change its repressive and conservative culture and I don't want to see that slide backwards.
I see the headbangers are out protesting against refugees in East Wall again. We should really organise a counter-protest demanding to be consulted in the future before racists and bigots are permitted to move into an area.
I live a ways away now, but I grew up close to East Wall and had lots of friends there. These protests do not represent me or anyone I know in the area.
#eastwall #eastwallprotests #istandwithrefugees
Just passed the #eastwallprotests Seems to me there's a lot more disruption from shouty fascists and racists than from any asylum seekers.
@waider I just saw some tikotk clips of this and was appalled. Aside from anything else it's simply not true that we can't take care of both immigrants and citizens that need support.
I did a search to see if anyone else here was talking about it and came across your post. Glad I'm not totting into a void. #EastWall #EastWallProtests