Secondo #EasyJet il decreto causerebbe una riduzione dell’offerta e un aumento dei prezzi medi, rendendo i viaggi in aereo meno convenienti e meno accessibili per gli italiani, che invece oggi beneficiano di un mercato libero e altamente concorrenziale, con tariffe che sono tra le più convenienti nel panorama europeo.
Questo governo la libera concorrenza la schifa proprio... balneari, tassisti... la lista è lunga.
EasyJet: il decreto caro voli farà aumentare i prezzi. #Notizie #News #Easyjet #DecretoCaroVoli
#notizie #news #easyJet #decretocarovoli
UPDATE [07.09-15:10] In atterraggio dopo rapida discesa in #aeroporto #London #Gatwick #Airport in EMERGENZA #7700 #SQUAWK7700 #aereo #Airbus A319-111 #Easyjet volo #EZY26CB (partito con un ritardo di 3h 15') da #Londra #London #LGW e diretto a #Barcelona #BCN - Seguiranno aggiornamenti
#aeroporto #london #gatwick #airport #squawk7700 #aereo #Airbus #easyJet #ezy26cb #londra #lgw #barcelona #bcn
Man banned from flying with easyJet had police raid his house over his name | The Independent
#easyJet #name #police #harris
Man banned from flying with easyJet ‘because of his name’ | The Independent
#CronacadiNapoli #Italia #UltimeNotizie #easyjet #Napoli Cancellato il volo Napoli Palermo: scatta la protesta dei paseggeri
#cronacadinapoli #italia #Ultimenotizie #easyJet #napoli
EasyJet plane travelling at 300mph in near miss with drone flying 16ft away | The Independent
#drone #easyJet #nearmiss #Gatwick #GatwickAirport
EasyJet plane travelling at 300mph in near miss with drone flying 16ft away | The Independent
#drone #easyJet #nearmiss #Gatwick #GatwickAirport
I just received an email advert from easyJet...
So either Türkiye has completely finished sorting out the country after the massive earthquake or the news has bypassed the airline.
OK #EasyJet, what's up with your upholstery? Is there some sort of #code? #Pattern? #Message? #Intention?? You can't expect passengers to stare at this throughout the flight and not get curious…
Interpretive hypotheses welcome.
#intention #message #pattern #Code #easyJet
Anyone flying to, from or via #iceland today should not only check the airline's website and app, but also the airport's website, which seems to have more up-to-date information.
#easyJet seems to have different information on its website.
#iceland #easyJet #reykjavik #keflavik #kef #flights
easyJet plane from Hamburg to Manchester just photobombed my shot of tonight’s very bright full Moon #Moon #FullMoon #aviationphotography #easyJet #U21842 #Manchester
#manchester #u21842 #easyJet #aviationphotography #fullmoon #moon
Ehhh…. Simpeler is om gewoon de slots van #EasyJet duurder te maken. Of landingstax op #Schiphol met TruePricing te beprijzen. Houden we nog poen over én een fijne sfeer id binnenstad.
Zo wil Amsterdam de ‘banale feesttoerist’ weren… via
Got back from @COP27P via @easyJet to Milan & @Ryanair to Dublin. No problems. But noticed on #easyJet planes, cabin luggage is placed on it’s side, thus carrying more cases. Now, why didn’t Ml.O Leary & #Ryanair & indeed, @AerLingus think of that when ordering planes ?🤷🤷😳
Time to fly back home. #flying #easyjet #edinburgh #luton #nighttime
#nighttime #luton #edinburgh #easyJet #flying
Volo in ritardo Easyjet Palermo Napoli di oltre quattro ore, 250€ ai passeggeri
#voloinritardo #palermo #napoli #easyJet #italia
Hello from outside and inside of the plane #edinburgh #lutonAirport #luton #airport #travel #airtravel #easyjet #airplane #plane #flying
#flying #plane #airplane #easyJet #airTravel #Travel #airport #luton #lutonairport #edinburgh
"EasyJet is to stop offsetting carbon emissions by its planes as it unveiled a “roadmap to net zero” emissions by 2050 including introducing hydrogen-powered jet engines."
"Other elements of easyJet’s new strategy include using sustainable aviation fuel, more fuel-efficient planes and carbon capture to reach net zero emissions by 2050."
#EasyJet #Aviation #Flying #Aeroplanes #Emissions #Carbon #CO2 #NetZero #CarbonDioxide #Hydrogen
#hydrogen #carbondioxide #netzero #co2 #carbon #emissions #aeroplanes #flying #Aviation #easyJet