Please find attached in caption an #easyRead about #internet #surveillance across countries.
The point of view is personal.
The rendering is sharp (as i like) but premature.
What do you think? 📢
#easyread #internet #surveillance
Speaking of David #Graeber, here is a game-changing #book: "#Debt: The First 5,000 Years". #macroEconomics #inflation #economics #capitalism #anthropology #sociology #history #recommended #cosy and #easyRead 📔#books ❤️#learn #enjoy 🌱#joy
#joy #enjoy #learn #books #easyread #cosy #recommended #history #sociology #anthropology #capitalism #economics #inflation #macroeconomics #debt #book #graeber
I #enjoyed the #easyRead #book by David Wallace-Wells: "The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming", published in 2019. #ecology #climateChange #recommended
#enjoyed #easyread #book #ecology #ClimateChange #recommended