Torbjörn Andersson · @et_andersson
15 followers · 227 posts · Server

And that's Mainframe Zork. One of the few Infocom games (in the sense that Infocom is mentioned in it) that @savetz and @Carrington haven't yet made an episode about. Which in a way is ironic, since this is where the grues first appeared.

But if you have played Zork I-III and Sorcerer, there is probably only one puzzle in it that you haven't seen in some form. It's worth playing for its historical significance, I guess, but don't expect it to be as polished as the later games.


Last updated 2 years ago

Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
14 followers · 162 posts · Server

"It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a Greek."

#zork #eatenbyagrue #pitchblack #greek

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Fletcher · @Recta_Pete
409 followers · 698 posts · Server

I've taken the liberty of making an version of @Carrington 's most excellent text adventure game DORM. Assuming Carrington allows I will share it with those that ask. Check out the original work here:

#atarist #infocom #eatenbyagrue

Last updated 2 years ago

Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
12 followers · 139 posts · Server

I just tried "eaten by a grue" as a joke on Fearless Impala.

I haven't got a reaction yet.

For those who might not know, she's 22. I'm 50. I don't think she's going to get it... but I've used it around her before. I just don't know if she remembers it.

#zork #eatenbyagrue #love

Last updated 2 years ago

Torbjörn Andersson · @et_andersson
10 followers · 156 posts · Server

@savetz @Carrington

I'm sure I missed some of the cultural references while helping out with the testing, so I look forward to the episode for it.😁


Last updated 2 years ago

Itsa mammal · @itsa_mammal
152 followers · 1213 posts · Server

I was relistening to the on Beyond Zork and hearing @savetz and @Carrington argue if the Zork games and Enchanter trilogy were in the same world, and it reminded me of this cool Zork Timeline that's been floating around for ages.


Last updated 2 years ago

Itsa mammal · @itsa_mammal
141 followers · 1072 posts · Server

So I've had this on my phone for awhile, but wanted to call attention to "Text Fiction - Play Zork!" free on the Play store. It has a good UI that works really well on phones and a build in downloader for a lot of more modern, free, interactive fiction. If you have a job where you can screw around on your phone, or are traveling for the holidays it could be useful.
It could be useful now that @savetz and @Carrington are back to


Last updated 2 years ago

Itsa mammal · @itsa_mammal
147 followers · 1158 posts · Server

So I've had this on my phone for awhile, but wanted to call attention to "Text Fiction - Play Zork!" free on the Play store. It has a good UI that works really well on phones and a build in downloader for a lot of more modern, free, interactive fiction. If you have a job where you can screw around on your phone, or are traveling for the holidays it could be useful.
It could be useful now that @savetz and @Carrington are back to


Last updated 2 years ago

Torbjörn Andersson · @et_andersson
4 followers · 28 posts · Server

@savetz @Carrington First Journey, now Hadean Lands... could it be the resource management that's the problem? 😜

On a more serious note, the web page still refers to your Twitter handles. Perhaps that should be updated, if you've both left Twitter behind?


Last updated 2 years ago

Kay Savetz · @savetz
697 followers · 57 posts · Server

New episode of the is out! in which @Carrington and I play a game, fail at a game, AI-generate a game, and read a book.

#eatenbyagrue #podcast

Last updated 2 years ago