Actor/Writers Strike News Be Like...
#wgastrong #wgastrike2023 #wgastrike #writersstrike #writersstrike2023 #wga #sagaftra #sagaftrastrong #sagaftrastrike #sagaftraonstrike #hollywood #hollywoodstrike #taxtherich #taxtherichfeedthepoor #eatherich #eattherichfeedthepoor #EatTheRich #reelsinstagram #reels #reel #funnyreel #funnyvideo #funnyvideos #funnyreels #funnyvid #funnyvids #comedyreels #comedyvids #comedyreel #comedyvideos #comedyvid #comedyvideo #solidarity #unions #unionsolidarity #union #unionstrong
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Συντρόφισσες Όρκες συνασπίστηκαν και επιτίθενται σε γιοτ!
#Orca #vengeance #eatherich
Ich ernähre mich nur noch von linken Milliardären.
Well done! Fuck the #oligarchs #eatherich or at least their investments
Explosion du prix des aliments. Pas dans 10 ans, maintenant! Il faut élaborer un système économique qui soustrait aux aléas du marché les prix du panier d'alimentation. #climatecrisis #foodsecurity #fasterthanexpected #eatherich
#eatherich #fasterthanexpected #foodsecurity #climatecrisis