Daniel Norton · @daniel
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@giamora As someone who has already ditched almost all beef consumption, I wonder what about a quantitative/ comparative designation. Quantify the impact of that serving and compare it to things easily understood, e.g. a gallon/ liter of gasoline.

#behavioraleconomics #climateaction #eatlessbeef #sustainableeating

Last updated 2 years ago

Would a "climate label" encourage you to ditch beef for a lower carbon footprint food?

The cynic in me believes that shaming people's eating choices is an ineffective climate strategy. However, I do think marking climate-friendly foods -- like Panera Bread's "Cool Food Meals" designation -- might nudge folks in the right direction.


#nudge #behavioraleconomics #ClimateAction #eatlessbeef #sustainableliving #sustainableeating

Last updated 2 years ago