"Strange how the rich want to depopulate the earth but they never volunteer to die first." #GreatReset #MalthusianEconomics https://twitter.com/jorymicah/status/1700582733943103593 #EatTheRich before they eat you,
#greatreset #malthusianeconomics #eattherich
Elon Musk, desactivanto Starlink sobre Crimea, esta posicionándose abiertamente de lado de Putin y ayudando directamente al ejercito ruso a proteger los territorios ocupados por Rusia. Qué asco que una persona privada tenga tanta injerencia en un conflicto internacional. Las mega corporaciones ya son más poderosas que los países. #eattherich
Okay I get it. But what's up with the "far left" parlance? Using far left as a slur against people who would have been regarded as liberals in the New Deal era doesn't reflect well on Dems today.
#eattherich #dems #Biden #Fascism
Let us know when you're done so we can eat them. #TaxTheRich #IRS #EatTheRich
IRS cracking down on 1,600 millionaires over back taxes https://thehill.com/business/4193872-irs-cracking-down-on-1600-millionaires-over-back-taxes/
From the fantastic Garbage Day newsletter (seriously you should subscribe).
“If you want to see what the next 25 years are going to be like, Burning Man is it. Millionaires and managers ignoring huge structural problems until it starts to impact their libertarian freak fests and then escaping to somewhere safe when they get the chance. Well, until there aren’t any safe places to escape to, I guess…”
#eattherich #burningman #ClimateChange
Eat the rich.
Figuratively, not literally, but #MulchTheRich doesn't have the same ring to it.
#spanish #capitalism #corporations #eattherich #nomegusta
Listed as a reason to learn Spanish...because of course you want to contribute to capitalism, don't you??? /s
I don't give a fuck about corporations
Me importan un carajo las corporaciones
#spanish #capitalism #corporations #eattherich #nomegusta
Die #MediteraneAntifa ... 😂
Jedes menschgemachte Problem, kann auch gelöst werden! 🤷♂️
#mediteraneantifa #Entnazifizierung #aussterben #eattherich
@TheDoctor512 #Lindner will echt schaun wie weit man den #SozialenFrieden zerstören kann bevor frustrierte Leute anfangen "#EatTheRich!" unsakastisch zu skandieren...
#eattherich #sozialenfrieden #lindner
@Looping Sauf que: les 6 centimes du smicard, ça peut le mettre dans la mouise de le donner, alors que les 10 millions d'Arnaud...
The US would be a better place if we had a huge public hanging of the leadership of Congress, both leaders of the Republican and Democrat party, the Supreme Court judges, and top 10 wealthiest people. These corrupt people are the problems in America. The Corporations would wake up, that they can't buy off our political process. That they have a social responsibility to the masses, not themselves.
#EatTheRich #SaveAmerica
What The World Looks Like to the Super-Wealthy ❧ Current Affairs
Now if only the billionaire class would fund charter schools or sumpin. Oh, wait... #eattherich #republicanswantyoudead #billionairecapitalists
#eattherich #republicanswantyoudead #billionairecapitalists
#GlobalWarming #TheRichRobbingThePoor
We're burning down the house we live in.
And there's no fire dept.
#eattherich #therichrobbingthepoor #globalwarming
honestly this is so much entertaining #burningman #eattherich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8fDM60MS84&ab_channel=FREEDOMNEWSTV-NATIONAL