First feral asparagus spear poking through. I love how cute & weird asparagus looks. Can’t wait to eat me some!
#foraging #permaculture #wildharvesting #eattheweeds
More experiments with the local weeds. This is #mallow, found pretty much everywhere in SoCal. I salted both sides of the leaves and let it sit for over a week (like kimchi or sauerkraut), then put them in the dehydrator. A bit too salty, but definitely going to be good to grind up & use as salt replacement. Next time I will try rinsing leaves before dehydration. Salting them makes the leaves softer and keep longer while in the brine. (Marked sensitive as it shows food). #EatTheWeeds
Wait - autumn olive is a wild food?
I learned about autumn olive way back in the '90s in undergrad, and I've been hating it since, especially when it blooms and suffocates me with its heavy perfume. But how am I just now learning that its fruit is not just edible, but tasty??
Thousands of smelly flowers >> thousands of little fruits!
#wildfood #eattheweeds #invasivespecies