#avocado FUN FACT:
Back in the #90s people ate avocados unripe, because they preferred the green and shiny ones. The California Avocado Commisson created a mascot; Mr. Ripe Guy, whose job was to convince people that ripe #avocados may look gross, but they’re actually super #tasty. They launched a contest to find his wife,” Ms. Ripe”.
This was the ad.
#History #FunFact #eatymology #foodhistory #historyoffood #weird #todayilearned
#todayilearned #weird #HistoryOfFood #foodhistory #eatymology #funfact #history #tasty #avocados #90s #avocado
#avocado FUN FACT:
Back in the #90s people ate avocados unripe, because they preferred the green and shiny ones. The California Avocado Commisson created a mascot; Mr. Ripe Guy, whose job was to convince people that ripe #avocados may look gross, but they’re actually super #tasty. They launched a contest to find his wife,” Ms. Ripe”.
This was the ad.
#History #FunFact #eatymology #foodhistory #historyoffood #weird #todayilearned
#todayilearned #weird #HistoryOfFood #foodhistory #eatymology #funfact #history #tasty #avocados #90s #avocado
The first recipe of #cone shaped edible waffles in a 1894 #cookbook including ice cream recipes. Cornucopias or horn-shaped cornets could be filled with any type of #cream or water #ice, or set custard or fruits.
Source: Fancy ices by Agnes B. Marshall (1894)
#history #food #historyoffood #foodhistory #funfact #icecream #holiday #summer
#Eatymology #todayilearned
#todayilearned #eatymology #summer #holiday #icecream #funfact #foodhistory #HistoryOfFood #food #history #ice #cream #cookbook #cone