#eBay's #CAPTCHA system is very clearly just training AIs now. The "castle or stadium?" ones were pretty, but these are the most godawful "drawings" of mice I've ever seen.
There is still the text-based accessibility fallback, but it's... unexpectedly philosophical.
I also can't help but think giving any bot a 1/8 chance of just guessing correctly means it isn't about security anymore - it feels a lot more like "You're a mobile user? Great, I love captive audiences! Earn us some AI money".
Who, I ask, is selling one of my books for £99 on eBay?! Don't be fooled! The Super Rob #comicbook is still available at a realistic price on www.bowlingforsoup.com (both signed and unsigned).
#comicbook #ebay #comic #poppunk #superherocomics
Ebays "Magical Listing": Automatische Anzeigenerstellung dank KI
Foto hochladen, fertig. Ebay füllt automatisch alle Informationsfelder einer Anzeige aus. Magisch sei das – oder einfach KI.
#ebay #ecommerce #kunstlicheintelligenz #handel #news
Found this gorgeous bit of design on #eBay today: an Apple PowerBook 170 JLPGA edition, 1991.
🛒 #eBay introduce un nuovo strumento basato sull'#AI generativa dedicato ai seller: in base alle immagini caricate, crea i dati dei prodotti (titolo, descrizione, e altri dati specifici che riesce a rilevare).
💡 Oltre a questo, permette anche di eliminare gli sfondi dalle immagini dei prodotti.
#GenerativeAI #LLM #ChatGPT #OpenAI #GPT4 #IntelligenzaArtificiale #ecommerce
#ebay #ai #generativeAI #LLM #chatgpt #openai #GPT4 #intelligenzaartificiale #ecommerce
So, I just found out that #ebay allows you to add your #securitykey as a second factor.
I also found out, that you can only add one.
Gonna remove my security key then I guess.
Doukaudio have a #theremin for £59.99 on their #eBay page so I've bought myself one as a slightly belated birthday present. I'm not expecting anything fantastic but it looks suitably barebones circuity and it could probably be inserted in a badger, so I'm in. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284839214810?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SsSiHyWXTLi&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=1aGgDbe8Sny&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Ergh, I should listen to my gut feeling more. Someone bought something from me on #ebay yesterday and before, during and after the purchase sent me an unreasonable amount of messages, asked for a discount, asked for next day postage. At the time I thought "I've got easier people I could sell this to, just decline and stop responding to them." .. Today (two days later)... refund request. FFS.
IT ARRIVED TODAY!!! :ablobattention:
Wink Martindale sported this cap on the sidelines last season. But it was not for sale anywhere… not even on the nfl shop website. I saw the listing a week ago and brought lickety-split!! Just in time for the start of the 2023 season. 🗽
#dalnyg #ebay #nygiants #bigblue #NYG
So! Anyone have an opinion on a buyer on #ebay that hides their feedback? And has no avi?
Baby zu verkaufen 😉
Bei Fragen einfach fragen...
#lensbaby #fotografie #blog #ebay
#Lensbaby #fotografie #blog #ebay
Don't miss out on this onc, only 30mins to go...
#microsoft #vintagecomputing #ebay
eBay rolls out a tool that generates product listings from photos
> #AI tool for marketplace sellers that can generate a product listing from a single photo.
> Available in the #eBay app for iOS to start, with the Android app to follow in the coming weeks, the tool can automatically write a title and description based on a photo, as well as information including a product release date, and suggest a category, subcategory, list price and shipping cost.
Bought this brand new #new3dsxl on #ebay and damn: The 3D effect is A LOT better than the one of the original #3ds
I already put a CFW on it: https://3ds.hacks.guide/
Even though the eshop is down you can just use https://hshop.erista.me/
#new3dsxl #ebay #3ds #retrogaming #gaming #gamer #games #nintendo
I've been wanting to sell an old #NES (I have the box, the game, its accessories, and I think even the manual). I could sell it on #eBay, but the problem I'm finding is the shipping cost. Since the box is so large and heavy, the shipping cost would be too much for a person to pay.
Holy frick why is #Amazon actually worse for buying used products than #eBay
I've been twice lied to about when something would arrive, and recently the seller said they needed to delay the shipment, but ended up deleting all records of the order somehow. Can't see that I've been refunded anywhere either.
I have been trying to buy a key safe for work. It needed to be a direct replacement based on a grainy image of the original.
The manufacturer, and Amazon, had no stock. But there were three on Ebay.
The first one cancelled my order saying it was damaged.
The second cancelled my order saying my address was wrong! But now it isn't in stock anymore.
The third I have thrown back at our head office to purchase as PayPal have taken my money for both and have yet to refund me!
Weird situation, wondered if anyone had info that could help.
My husband sells stuff on #eBay. Banks with #Simplii. Never had any problems until now. His last payout didn't get deposited into his bank account (but the shipping cost came out with no issues).
He went back and forth between his bank and eBay. Even with detailed transaction information, bank couldn't find the transaction. With bank's confirmation, eBay agreed to reissue payment. And that one hasn't come through either. /1
USB Power Switch Pro (Kit or Assembled with Pico W) is now available on both #Tindie https://www.tindie.com/products/8086net/usb-power-switch-pro/ and #eBay (EU) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204448662090