@ascentale Just spent a lil time looking for info about any progress on California Highway Patrol developing (statewide safety standards and) training programs for users of e-bikes, on or before Sept 1, 2023. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1946
CHP site says "This training program, which will consist of electric bicycle riding safety, emergency maneuver skills, rules of the road and laws pertaining to electric bicycles, will launch on the CHP’s website in September 2023." https://www.chp.ca.gov/PressReleases/Pages/CHP-HIGHLIGHTS-NEW-LAWS-IN-2023.aspx
Haven't found any progress reports yet.
#CaliforniaHighwayPatrol #CaliforniaOfficeOfTrafficSafety #ebike #ebikes #PublicSafety #eBikeEducation #CAAssemblyBill1946 #AB1946
#californiahighwaypatrol #californiaofficeoftrafficsafety #ebike #ebikes #publicsafety #ebikeeducation #caassemblybill1946 #ab1946