Out there being a good consumer at Walmart yesterday #ebikes #EBikesChangeLives
@Sonneimkopf bei mit auch mit einer besten Investitionen in den letzten Jahren. #EBikesChangeLives
Endlich wieder Zeit zum Radeln mit den Kids. Ich hab zwar eine elektrische Unterstützung, brauche sie aber nur noch ganz selten. Das hätte ich vor fünf Jahren auch noch nicht gedacht. Viele sagten, mich belächelnd, zu mir, dass E-Bike fahren ja kein richtiges Fahrrad fahren ist. Stimmt vielleicht. Ohne das E-Bike würde ich aber heute noch Auto fahren und Puste hätte ich noch immer keine. Fitter bin ich inzwischen deutlich. So, dass ich den Akku eben oft nicht brauche. #EBikesChangeLives
riding #eBikes to the grocery store is transformative #transportation #eBikesChangeLives
"hopped on my e-bike, and set out. I cruised past cars stopped in traffic. I sailed up a long hill. I zipped right up to the doors… locked my bike to the rack, next to two other e-bikes."
"Freed from traffic and parking worries, faced with a ride in the fresh air rather than yet another trip in a car, I go out more. My suburb has come to feel like a place newly worth exploring."
#ebikes #transportation #ebikeschangelives
see you at #cargoPalooza tonight #pdxBikes 5:30 at #SplendidCycles #OneHundredLessCars #eBikesChangeLives #Pedalpalooza #Portland
#cargopalooza #pdxbikes #splendidcycles #onehundredlesscars #ebikeschangelives #pedalpalooza #portland
#eBikes #ClimateAction #Portland #PortlandCleanEnergyFund #eBikesChangeLives
"Women and BIPOC community members have stated through surveys that they feel less vulnerable on e-bikes than on [acoustic] bicycles."
#ebikes #climateaction #portland #portlandcleanenergyfund #ebikeschangelives
Awesome work today from BikeLoud volunteers, including @ShawneMartinez and @robgalanakis demonstrating #cargoBikes, #eBikes and talking to people about how you can haul kids and cargo by #pdxBikes. Tabling at the farmers' market attracted a lot of curious parents and soon-to-be ex-drivers!! 🚲 📣
#eBikesChangeLives #ClimateAction #transportation
#cargobikes #ebikes #pdxbikes #ebikeschangelives #climateaction #transportation
Solo riding at lunch to pick up some last minute Christmas wrapping paper from our neighborhood free group. It’s about to get cold out there, #CentralPennsylvania! #ebikes #EBikesChangeLives #urbanarrow #urbanarrowfamily #familybike
#familybike #urbanarrowfamily #urbanarrow #ebikeschangelives #ebikes #centralpennsylvania
A 20 mile day with my knucklehead full of Christmas shopping, bagel eating and grocery getting #eBikesChangeLives #ebikes #WinterBiking #morekidsonbikes
#morekidsonbikes #winterbiking #ebikes #ebikeschangelives
@KPED Cyclists of #BikeTooter — please boost the original toot in this thread to help Katherine Pickett with her worthwhile research.
#cycling #ebike #ebikes #EBikesChangeLives #cyclist #mobility #cycling
#biketooter #cycling #ebike #ebikes #ebikeschangelives #cyclist #mobility