Guy LeCharles Gonzalez · @glecharles
397 followers · 1620 posts · Server

☝🏽 Listening to this on my run, I can't tell how much was tweaked, but it's still overly reliant on opinionated interviews without any fact-checking. It presents naive overviews of the music industry, ebook production and distribution, and how public libraries actually work, while frequently conflating the Internet Archive and traditional public libraries.

Bizarrely, it even manages to create several moments of sympathy for publishers?!? 😐

#libraries #ebooksforall #cmonson

Last updated 1 year ago

Jill Minor · @jillrhudy
471 followers · 1834 posts · Server

@maria *no* major U.S. book publisher sells ebook perpetual licenses to libraries. The big publishers bought up most of the small imprints. An author could not make such a contractual demand unless they go with an indie publisher. What we need is robust legislation, rigorously enforced to stop from existing, colluding, and snapping up all smaller competitors.

#antitrust #monopolies #libraries #ebooksforall

Last updated 2 years ago

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez · @glecharles
352 followers · 934 posts · Server

More from Alabanese:

"IA does not reproduce the Works in Suit to provide criticism, commentary, or information about them. IA’s e-books do not 'add something new, with a further purpose or different character, altering the with new expression, meaning or message.' IA simply scans the Works in Suit to become e-books and lends them to users of its website for free." Hon. John G. Koeltl

#libraries #publishing #ebooksforall #digitalrightsforlibraries

Last updated 2 years ago

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez · @glecharles
350 followers · 896 posts · Server

"If Judge John G. Koeltl’s questions are any indication, the Internet Archive is facing an uphill battle."

Albanese is one of a few industry journalists I trust to understand the nuances of thorny issues they write about, and his coverage of yesterday's events suggest things did not go well for the Internet Archive.

Hubris is a bitch, and as always, the collateral damage could be extensive. 😠

#libraries #publishing #ebooksforall #digitalrightsforlibraries

Last updated 2 years ago

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez · @glecharles
351 followers · 891 posts · Server

I hate everything about this stupid lawsuit. 🤬

The IA grossly (and I believe purposefully) overreached with its ill-conceived "National Emergency Library," and publishers took the bait and went all-in on a lawsuit, looking to kill CDL outright.

Now, real libraries are caught in the middle when all they want are fair, reasonable terms to acquire and lend the ebooks their patrons want to read.

#libraries #publishing #ebooksforall #digitalrightsforlibraries

Last updated 2 years ago

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez · @glecharles
351 followers · 888 posts · Server

In the midst of the various challenges libraries are facing these days, they need more support from everyone who claims to believe in their societal value and fundamental mission of providing free, equal, and equitable access to information in all its forms.

Publishers, it seems, believe it's a better idea to kick them while they're down. 🤬

#libraries #publishing #ebooksforall #digitalrightsforlibraries

Last updated 2 years ago

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez · @glecharles
346 followers · 872 posts · Server

It's amazing how publishers who routinely claim "We love libraries!" every summer at the conference they hope will replace BEA, find it so much easier to fight them in court — on multiple fronts — rather than figuring out how to come to the table and negotiate in good faith with such a critical partner.

And now it looks like they're pulling other media in, too? WYD?!?

#libraries #publishing #bookstodon #ebooksforall #digitalrightsforlibraries #cmonson

Last updated 2 years ago

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez · @glecharles
346 followers · 872 posts · Server

It's amazing how publishers who routinely claim "We love libraries!" every summer at the conference they hope will replace BEA, find it so much easier to fight them in court — on multiple fronts — rather than figuring out how to come to the table and negotiate in good faith with such a critical partner.

And now it looks like they're pulling other media in, too? WYD?!?

#libraries #publishing #bookstodon #ebooksforall #digitalrigntsforlibraries #cmonson

Last updated 2 years ago

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez · @glecharles
346 followers · 872 posts · Server

It's amazing how publishers who routinely claim "We love libraries!" at the conference they hope will replace BEA, find it so much easier to fight them in court — on multiple fronts — rather than figuring out how to come to table and negotiate in good faith with such a critical partner.

And now it looks like they're pulling other media in, too? WYD?!?

#libraries #publishing #bookstodon #ebooksforall #digitalrigntsforlibraries #cmonson

Last updated 2 years ago

Jill Minor · @jillrhudy
362 followers · 1195 posts · Server

@Rikibeth @barnesjo @bookstodon for example, the cost for a library to buy Fairy Tale by Stephen King through Overdrive (audio) for Libby is $130 for 24 months and only one user can download it at a time. The ebook is $68 for 24 months.

#library #ebooks #ebooksforall

Last updated 2 years ago

Jill Minor · @jillrhudy
362 followers · 1195 posts · Server

@Rikibeth @barnesjo @bookstodon the is a brilliant platform if only the publishers were not determined to soak public libraries for every penny they can get. You would not believe how much they (and Overdrive) charge. It’s crazy.

#libbyapp #ebooksforall #librariansofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez · @glecharles
210 followers · 211 posts · Server

"Sign on now to demand that the largest publishing lobby in the US reverse course and stand up for libraries in 2023!" @team

Publishers should be collaborating with libraries to address concerns about ebook lending rather than letting the AAP treat them like pirates.

While I don't think they can be shamed into doing better, maybe with enough pressure, publishers themselves will listen to authors and readers who value libraries?


#libraries #ebooksforall

Last updated 2 years ago

Brad Fonseca · @bradfonseca
111 followers · 507 posts · Server

Macmillan wants to limit readers’ access to new eBook titles through libraries. Tell Macmillan USA that their embargo is unacceptable & access to eBooks should not be delayed or denied. Sign the petition today at


Last updated 5 years ago

Le Greg · @legreg
80 followers · 201 posts · Server

Et voilà, on y est! Dès maintenant, découvrez "l'aube d'un monde meilleur", la dernière histoire du Greg! Je vous souhaite à tous d'agréables fêtes de fin d'année!

Petit cc à @Pouhiou et @ploum

#projetinception #ebooksforall #ebooks

Last updated 5 years ago

Le Greg · @legreg
80 followers · 201 posts · Server

Petit cadeau de Noël en approche ! L'aube d'un monde meilleur sera disponible en ebook en version bêta publique ! Restez à l'affût ce 24 décembre !

#instabook #projetinception #beta #ebook #ebooksforall #ebooks

Last updated 5 years ago

Barbayellow · @barbayellow
234 followers · 2791 posts · Server


Dans leur lutte contre les restrictions imposées par les éditeurs pour l'accès aux livres numériques, des US ont décidé de boycotter des éditeurs ! Quand est-ce qu'on aura ce courage politique en France ?


#bibliothèques #ebooksforall #pnb #ebooks

Last updated 5 years ago

Robin Goodfellow (Puck) · @thehonestpuck
54 followers · 7397 posts · Server


Macmillan’s *official position* is that libraries have made reading too easy, too accessible—so Macmillan is forced to erect barriers like this embargo to make it artificially harder.



Last updated 5 years ago

Tobias Zeumer · @vform
219 followers · 4601 posts · Server

RT Over 100,000 Readers Nationwide Join Campaign Against Planned Embargo


#holtzbrinck #libraries #ebooks #ebooksforall

Last updated 5 years ago