The journalist who put this together did their best to touch on a lot of information, but this is only an into to doctors & researchers getting together--finally--to discuss what's going on with people who have #LongCovid (LC19), or any persistent symptom infection.
I see overlaps with #ME/CFA, persistent #Lyme, #EBV & others. Note--there is no cure for LC19 or any of these conditions. There are things that improve quality of life--if you can find folk who believe you.
@rchusid Reminds me of other diseases associated with viruses like #MultipleSclerosis and #EpsteinBarrVirus #EBV as once one gets #MS they have it for life. Main reason I don’t want #LongCovid is I have #MS and don’t need any other disease that causes neurological damage.
#multiplesclerosis #EpsteinBarrVirus #ebv #ms #LongCovid
Still masking. Still testing. Still aware that #CovidIsNotOver despite gaslighting in the media and even from public health authorities. I have #CFS from #EBV and was told time and again that it wasn’t a ‘real’ disease. My profound empathy for everyone suffering from #LongCovid who have heard the same BS.
#CovidIsNotOver #cfs #ebv #LongCovid
“All right. Let's see what we can see. Everybody online. Looking good”. #Aliens #FSOL #NowSpinning #NowPlaying #90sVinyl #RecordCollection #ElectronicMusic #EBV #ISDN #FutureSoundOfLondon
#futuresoundoflondon #isdn #ebv #electronicmusic #recordcollection #90svinyl #nowplaying #nowspinning #fsol #aliens
Ein #Impfstoff-Kandidat gegen das Epstein-Barr-Virus (#EBV) induziert eine umfangreiche Immunantwort in Mäusen. Unabhängige Forschende stellten die Ergebnisse aus Nature Communications in den größeren Kontext zu Zielen und Hürden der Impfstoffentwicklung gegen EBV:
@ahimsa_pdx @TransitBiker I have #MECFS from #EBV and #LDN saved my life. I just take 0.5 mg every morning and I saw results after the first dose. I used to only have about 1 to 2 usable hours a day and now I can use more like 4 to 6, but the best part is I sleep through the night now most nights. I used to wake up at four or 5 AM wide awake but completely exhausted, after my first dose of LDN I slept until 9 AM the next day. And I don’t need to nap every day anymore.
But if I skip it for more than a few days those symptoms come right back. And some days it can’t save me and I need to take 10 mg of prednisone or Adderall to make it through the day.
List of well-known viruses that specifically infect CD4+ T cells:
1. #HIV
2. HTLV-1
3. #sarscov2
4. #CMV
5. #EBV
6. #Measles
Viruses that do this often lead to serious illnesses. None of these viruses are considered to be normal to catch regularly except for SARS-2. #EpiVerse
#epiverse #measles #ebv #cmv #sarscov2 #hiv
Immunologist Akiko Iwasaki: ‘We are not done with Covid, not even close’
The Yale professor and long Covid expert on why the virus is causing ongoing illness for so many, and the challenges she faces as a woman of colour in science
#LongCovid #NewResearch #EBV #CovidIsNotOver #Covid19 #WomenInSTEM
#womeninstem #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #ebv #NewResearch #LongCovid
ebviously announces first details of its ebv-001 vaccine candidate for the prevention of epstein-barr virus (#ebv)-induced diseases
#ebv #mononucleosis #chronicillness #science
#neurodegeneration #viralinfections #ebv #multiplesclerosis #influenza #alzheimers #BiobankResearch #FinnGen
#neurodegeneration #viralinfections #ebv #multiplesclerosis #influenza #alzheimers #biobankresearch #finngen
Körperliche Ursachen für #LongCovid:
Die #EBV -Problematik kenne ich auch aus dem Bekanntenkreis.
For #doctors (and people in general) who claim not to understand #PostCovid or #LongCovid:
Have you not heard of #GlandularFever/ #Mononucleosis (caused by #EpsteinBarr #EBV)? Do you remember high school when whole classes were wiped out for months? Some students came back after a month. Some a few months. Some off and on because they pushed too hard. Some never came back to school. Some had it reactivate years later.
It was accepted that this happened. Doctors knew this happened and tried to manage it the best they could because we couldn’t contain the virus. Parents accepted it.
#PostViral syndromes aren’t new and it’s amazing how short your memory is. This was the 1990s not the 1890s I’m referring to. It was endemic at that point. It’s happening again except this virus is far worse and we had a chance to control it. You can also catch it over and over and cause more and more damage.
#doctors #PostCovid #LongCovid #PostViral #glandularfever #epsteinbarr #ebv #mononucleosis
HHV-6 infection in ME/CFS
Abundant HHV-6 miRNA found in brain frontal lobe, basal ganglia, and in spinal cord of MECFS pts.
#EBV co-infection noted too.
n =3 ME/CFS pts, n = 24 controls
⭐️Reactivated HHV-6 within spinal nerves, possibly explains ANS dysfunction associated with ME/CFS.
Photo: Bhupesh K Prusty
#LongCOVID #MECFS #HHV6 #dysautotomia #POTS
#ebv #LongCovid #mecfs #HHV6 #dysautotomia #pots
Saliva antibody-fingerprint of reactivated latent viruses after mild/asx COVID is unique in patients w/MECFS
Mild SARS-CoV-2 can trigger reactivation of #EBV, #HHV6, and #HERV-K, seen by antibody fingerprints locally in #saliva but not detected in blood samples.
#LongCovid #mecfs #ebv #HHV6 #HERV #saliva
COVID isn't just infecting you—it could be reactivating viruses that have been dormant in your body for years
@batteredoldbook #fm #sjogrens #ebv #adrenalinsufficiency @80 yrs old. THIS: Listen to the Body - learn the Language & #gf #Non-GMO, #organic, #filteredwater; w/Baby Steps. /;)
#fm #sjogrens #ebv #adrenalinsufficiency #gf #non #organic #filteredwater
Wichtiger Beitrag.
#MECFS: Störung des muskulären Ionentransports als Ursache von PEM und muskulärer Fatigue
Myalgische Enzephalomyelitis/Chronisches Fatigue Syndrom (ME/CFS) ist eine komplexe und chronische Erkrankung mit einer weltweiten Prävalenz von bis zu 0,9 %,…
#mecfs #longcovid #covid19 #ebv
@KK Eines unserer #Kinder war 2Jahre alt, als es das #EBV bekam. Wochenlang (!) 40 Grad nicht senkbares #Fieber und furchtbare #Schmerzen, hörte auf zu essen und zu trinken - ohne venösen #Zugang und #ernahrung in der #Kinderklinik wäre es gestorben.
#kinderklinik #ernahrung #zugang #schmerzen #fieber #ebv #kinder
@jjosten Wohl kaum - auch wenn #FFP2 Masken ursprünglich nicht aus dem medizinischen #Arbeitsschutz kommen.
#Corona Viren (nicht nur #SARS-CoV-2 ) sind ähnlich in der Größe wie #RSV , #Influenza #Viren , #EBV und andere #Herpes Viren .
Ich unterstelle jetzt einfach mal #frech, dass nicht #Wissen hinter #Holetschek s Äußerung steht, sondern eher #Populismus. #CDU #Covid #Pflege
#pflege #covid #cdu #populismus #Holetschek #wissen #frech #herpes #ebv #viren #influenza #rsv #sars #corona #arbeitsschutz #FFP2