File storage in #AWS is simple: just use Simple Storage Service (#S3)
...unless you are using Elastic Cloud Compute (#EC2); in which case you can use instance volumes
...unless you want the files to persist when EC2 restarts; in which case you must use Elastic Block Store (#EBS)
...unless your EC2 instances are in different availability zones; in which case you need Elastic File System (#EFS)
AWSのコスト削減 EBSのボリュームタイプを見直してコスト最適化を実現する
#qiita #AWS #EC2 #ebs
Interested in setting up a single-serving #website with #nginx or #flask or some kind of #python app server on a small & cheap #EC2 #Linux instance or something. I haven't done this in a long time, and am curious/interested in learning about what the current "production standard" is these days. Got any tips?
#website #nginx #flask #python #ec2 #linux
Updated AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate NetworkInterface
Use the PrimaryIpv6 property to specify a primary IPv6 address on a network interface. #ec2 #cloudformation
Well for 3 years I've gotten near 75% savings running an #EC2 m5.large 24/7 but I think this is end. Last few days it has been stuck in over-capacity and could not fill.
It ought to be easy-peasy to provision an #AWS #EC2 instance, point a domain name at it, and start serving a website. But friends, it is not. For who knows what reason, #AmazonLinux2023 makes it nearly impossible to use #LetsEncrypt, and AWS's alternative solution (#NitroEnclaves and such) is beyond overkill.
Scaling an instance up or down fails as often as it succeeds for me. The new policy of charging for #IPv4 addresses basically doubles the price for a small website. ☹️
(3/8) 🧵
#aws #ec2 #amazonlinux2023 #letsencrypt #nitroenclaves #ipv4
It ought to be easy-peasy to provision an #AWS #EC2 instance, point a domain name at it, and start serving a website. But friends, it is not. For who knows what reason, #AmazonLinux2023 makes it nearly impossible to use #LetsEncrypt, and AWS's alternative solution (#NitroEnclaves and such) is beyond overkill.
Scaling an instance up or down is fragile. It fails as often as it succeeds. The new policy of charging for #IPv4 addresses basically doubles the price to run a small website. ☹️
(3/8) 🧵
#aws #ec2 #amazonlinux2023 #letsencrypt #nitroenclaves #ipv4
Maximize your EC2 productivity with AWS CDK! Traditional method for changing instance type: stop the instance, change the instance type, restart the instance.
Now, update instance type in code (1 line) + run 'cdk deploy' (1 line). That simple!
Two lines of code or endless clicks in the Management Console? The choice is clear. Simplify your EC2 management. Infrastructure as code for the win! #AWS #CloudComputing #ProductivityTips #CDK #EC2 #IaC"
#aws #cloudcomputing #productivitytips #cdk #ec2 #iac
Today's bit of fun involved upgrading my little Mastodon instance to v4.1.6, and write a helper script for that.
Running Mastodon (for me) takes fewer resources than installing/upgrading so, when I upgrade the software, I upsize the instance temporarily, & downsize afterward. Doing that with the AWS console is a pain.
Now I can have 1 terminal (tab) open for ssh, and in another I run this script, hitting enter when I'm ready for the next step
What the actual fuck?!
I have a data migration running and I spinned up an #EC2 instance for that purpose. (No, not free tier). The job is running since some 15 hours.
Suddenly my SSH connection goes down. I can't ping the instance anymore. I log onto the dashboard: Instance is gone. No trace it ever existed, and no trace for the stopped instances that I had, not that I cared about those. What the actual fuck?! #aws
Updated AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface
Use the EnablePrimaryIpv6 property to enable a primary IPv6 address on a network interface. #ec2 #cloudformation
Updated AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface
Use the property EnablePrimaryIpv6 to enable a primary IPv6 address on a network interface. #ec2 #cloudformation
AWS to Begin Charging for Public IPv4 Addresses
#ycombinator #aws_ec2_public_ipv4 #Development #Architecture_Design #EC2 #AWS #Amazon #IPv6 #IPv4 #Cloud_Computing #Cost_Optimization #Cloud
#ycombinator #aws_ec2_public_ipv4 #development #architecture_design #ec2 #aws #amazon #ipv6 #ipv4 #cloud_computing #cost_optimization #cloud
Sicherheitsforscher haben einen Weg gefunden den #AWS #SSM Agent als #Trojaner einzusetzen.
Der SSM Agent läuft u.a. auf #ec2 Instanzen und kommuniziert mit dem Systems Manager Service des Accounts zu dem die EC2 Instanz gehört.
Durch einen Hybrid Modus kann der Agent dazu gebracht werden mit einem anderen Account zu kommunizieren (ggf. dem des Angreifers).
#qiita #EC2 #Fargate
First Amazon EC2 Instances with Graviton3E Processors Now GA