¿Me puede explicar cómo es posible que Panini se pueda permitir sacar la colección antigua de Power Pack entera y, sin embargo, ECC tiene que hacer un crowfunding para sacar la edición integral de los Nuevos Titanes de Wolfman y Pérez?
Es que es ridículo.
#ECC #DC #Panini #Marvel #Titanes #MarvWolfman #GeorgePerez #PowerPack
#ecc #dc #panini #marvel #titanes #marvwolfman #georgeperez #powerpack
¿Me puede explicar cómo es posible que Panini se pueda permitir sacar la colección antigua de Power Pack entera y, sin embargo, ECC tiene que hacer un crowfunding para sacar la edición integral de los Nuevos Titanes de Wolfman y Pérez?
Es que es ridículo.
#ECC #DC #Panini #Marvel #Titanes #MarvWolfman #GeorgePerez #PowerPack
#ecc #dc #panini #marvel #titanes #marvwolfman #georgeperez #powerpack
@SigmaOne @gsuberland Any criticism that isn't aimed at manufacturers and devs, most of them corposcum, is missing the point.
Basically every single flaw modern CPUs & software has is a flaw whose fix has already been known for over two decades, but for the sake of "muh speed", sales & profit, it's just released broken instead.
Intel ruining the #ECC market was exactly that.
Mainframes demonstrate that there's no reason "mercurial CPUs" need to exist or be suffered at all.
48. The nice house on the lake #12 (James Tynion IV, Álvaro Martínez Bueno). Con muchísimo retraso gracias al caos generado por #ecc con el último número por fin termino esta serie que me ha tenido enganchadísimo el último año y pico. No sé qué más decir de Tynion que no haya dicho ya pero me reitero en que seguramente sea el guionista más en forma a día de hoy. Esta grapa es un final dignísimo de la serie. No voy a decir mucho más por no destriparlo porque supongo que en breve ya saldrá un integral en tomo que seguro que lo peta. Lo único que sí que voy a decir es que no me extrañaría ver esto adaptado más pronto que tarde a una serie de TV. Y sería la leche, sin duda.
#cómics #dc #blackLabel
🔖 Você deveria parar de usar certificados #SSL do tipo #RSA
Os #certificados SSL protegem a conexão entre seu usuário e seu site, mas um dos mais usados hoje em dia são do tipo RSA. Eles são pesados e vulneráveis, mas ainda estão aí por uma falsa crença sobre compatibilidade.
Se você puder mudar seus certificados para #ECC (#ECDSA), seu site demandará menos recursos, estará protegido e contará com um algoritmo bem menos vulnerável.
Nem precisa usar a configuração chamada "dual-stack", oferecendo certificados RSA e ECC ao mesmo tempo para os navegadores dos usuários.
Veja a compatibilidade dos certificados ECC:
🖥️ Sistemas operacionais:
▫️ Apple OS X: OS X 10.6
▫️ Microsoft Windows: Windows Vista
▫️ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5
▫️ iOS: iOS 7.x
▫️ Android OS: 3.x
▫️ Microsoft Windows Phone: 7.x
🌐 Navegadores:
▫️ Apple Safari: 4
▫️ Google Chrome: 1.0
▫️ Microsoft Internet Explorer: 7
▫️ Mozilla Firefox: 2.0
Então a menos que você receba visitas de pessoas com sistemas operacionais muito antigos, não faz sentido o gasto computacional e vulnerabilidades dos certificados SSL do seu site.
Considere na próxima renovação passar a gerar certificados ECC.
🔗 Para saber mais: https://alto.win/V2TPa
#️⃣ #MastoAdmin
#ssl #rsa #certificados #ecc #ecdsa #mastoadmin
European #ChampionsCup #Baseball
Tag 6:
Am Ende reichte es dann doch nur für Platz 4 für die #Bonn #Capitals. Nach gutem Start und einer 4:0 Führung nach 4 Innings gab es im kleinen Finale gegen die Amsterdam Pirates erneut einen Einbruch auf der Pitcherposition. Nach mehreren erfolglosen Wechseln hieß es am Ende leider 6:12.
Paderborn konnte im letzten Spiel der Relegation immerhin noch einen 6:4 Sieg gegen die Rouen Huskies einfahren.
#championscup #baseball #bonn #capitals #bonncapitals #caps #ecc #ecc2023
European #ChampionsCup #Baseball
Tag 5:
Die #Bonn #Capitals unterliegen im Halbfinale letztlich chancenlos Titelverteidiger Parma nach 7 Innings mit 3:13 und müssen damit morgen um 14:00 ins Spiel um Platz 3.
Paderborn unterliegt in der Relegation den Ostrava Arrows (CZ) mit 5:7 und trifft morgen im Spiel um Platz 7 auf die Rouen Huskies (FR).
#championscup #baseball #bonn #capitals #bonncapitals #caps #ecc #ecc2023
European #ChampionsCup #Baseball
Tag 4:
Heute steht die Zwischenrunde an. Mit einer Herkulesaufgabe für die #Caps gegen den in diesem Turnier noch ungeschlagenen Titelverteidiger aus Parma.
Relegation (15:00):
● Rouen (FR) vs Brno (CZ)
● Paderborn (DE) vs Ostrava (CZ)
Halbfinale (19:00/19:30):
● Amsterdam (NL) vs Bussum (NL)
● Bonn (DE) vs Parma (IT)
#championscup #baseball #caps #bonncapitals #ecc #ecc2023
European #ChampionsCup #Baseball
Tag 3:
Unterschiedlicher Abschluss der Gruppenphase für die deutschen Teams.
Die #Bonn #Capitals ziehen nach einem 5:2 gegen HCAW Bussum (NL) ins Halbfinale ein.
Die #Untouchables #Paderborn unterliegen den Amsterdam Pirates (NL) deutlich und vorzeitig nach 7 Innings mit 0:15 und müssen in die Relegation.
Die nächsten Spiele folgen morgen.
#championscup #baseball #bonn #capitals #untouchables #paderborn #bonncapitals #caps #ecc #ecc2023
European #ChampionsCup #Baseball
Tag 2:
Geht doch! Die #Bonn #Capitals und auch die #Untouchables #Paderborn gewinnen jeweils ihr zweites Spiel und bleiben damit im Rennen um den Halbfinaleinzug.
● Rouen Huskies (FR) vs Bonn Capitals 2:7
● Untouchables Paderborn vs Draci Brno (CZ) 4:2
Morgen um 19:30 folgen die abschließenden Gruppenspiele:
● Bonn Capitals vs HCAW Bussum (NL)
● Amsterdam Pirates (NL) vs Untouchables Paderborn
#championscup #baseball #bonn #capitals #untouchables #paderborn #bonncapitals #caps #ecc #ecc2023
@marcel @Nabla @ActionRetro OFC most SSD controllers will do this automatically based off runtime and temperature, doing it more often the warmer they are...
Granted, the higher the density of the flash cells, the more likely they run the chance of suffering "bit rot"...
IMHO the use of non-#ECC - RAM is one of the worst mistakes in Computing alongside not encrypting RAM transparently from boot onwards with keys being changed and newly generated every power cycle...
@erincandescent @IPngNetworks @vimja Few of them support #ECC or bear a reasonable power-consumption rating (or a reasonable price, even).
@vimja Oh no.
What other ECC-enabled boards are there in the same class at this point?
The lack of #ECC RAM/##ECCRAM and or #DDR5 for #Apple’s M1, M2, etc #Macs, are one of the reasons I’m only using some of their Mobiles at most, real #Computers are an investment, and I will be getting an #x86 for the #Desktop instead.
#ecc #eccram #ddr5 #apple #macs #computers #x86 #desktop
@rq > bizarre one-of-a-kind kernel bug
Yay for Intel fucking us all over by denying the simple necessity of #ECCMemory for everyone.
@jannem @cstross This is more mobile in the sense of mobile command center than really portable, since you basically have to bring your own infrastructure with you.
That being said, I'd still want a (brief|pelican)case computer as they're very useful in a lot of ways (even just building one supporting proper #ECC memory unlike most laptops), just one more conservatively spec'd.
Why do I care so much about #ECCMemory?
Basically, anything other than #ECC is simply irresponsible.
> Most home users don't mind
It's more that most home users don't even know they should mind.
Most mobile devices (including laptops) also don't have software that demonstrably expects to recover from crashes properly, as evidenced by how little of it uses #TransactionalIO.
Devs just magically expect everything to always be fine.
#eccmemory #ecc #transactionalio #transactions
#ServerBubble I have a question:
Does anyone have a.comprehensive list of cheap #CPU's that can adress huge amounts of (#ECC-) #RAM?
Ideally "cheapest CPU that can adress X GB/TB RAM"?
Because I'd kinda like to make a sort-of #Ramdisk drive but for use in the Network (#iSCSI, #SMB, #SFTP, #FTPS) as fast #scratchdisk.
#scratchdisk #ftps #sftp #smb #iscsi #ramdisk #ram #ecc #cpu #serverbubble