Mae hi'n dipyn bach wlyb heddiw. Mae o'n edrych fel y craen yn dal i fyny'r tŵr, o'r ongl 'ma. #CraenEccles
It's a little wet today. It looks like the crane holding up the tower, from this angle. #EcclesCrane
Dim lot i weld a'r safle heddiw, ond lot o swn morthwylio. Mae hi'n bron yn oeraidd. #CraenEccles
Not much to see and the site today, but a lot of hammering noise. It's almost chilly. #EcclesCrane
Mae'r tymheredd yn difyr, ar hyn o bryd. (Un o'r dau ddeg tri gair am 'pleasant' yn ôl Geriadur....) #CraenEccles
The temperature is pleasant, at the moment. (One of the twenty three words for 'pleasant' according to Geriadur....) #EcclesCrane
#craeneccles #ecclescrane #dysgucymraeg
Mae'r awyr yn llwyd, ac mae hi'n drymaidd iawn. Dwi'n chwysu! Dim lot o waith i weld ar y safle. Maen nhw'n brysur, ar ôl y sgrîn. #CraenEccles
The sky is grey, and it is very muggy. I'm sweating! Not a lot of work to see on the site. They are busy, behind the screen. #EcclesCrane
Mae hi'n cymylog iawn, ond, poeth hefyd. Mae'r unig glaw yn tywod o'r Sahara. #CraenEccles
It's very cloudy, but hot too. The only rain is sand from the Sahara. #EcclesCrane
Mae hi'n dipyn bach niwlog heddiw. Dw i'n hoffi'r ffordd dych chi'n gallu gweld y cysgod o'r craen yr holl ffordd i fyny'r tŵr. #CraenEccles
It's a little hazy today. I like the way you can see the shadow from the crane all the way up the tower. #EcclesCrane
Mam bach, mae hi'n boeth heddiw. Beth bynnag, dw i'n gallu gweld yr atgyfnerthiadau am y llawr nesa. #CraenEccles
Good grief, it's hot today. Anyway, I can see the reinforcements for the next floor. #EcclesCrane
Nôl i'r gwaith heddiw. Mae'r pwmp yn gweithio, felly efallai bydd y sgrîn yn codi yn ychydig o ddyddiau. #CraenEccles
Back to work today. The pump is working, so the screen may be up in a few days. #EcclesCrane
Bron yr union llun fel ddoe. Methu stop, yn mynd allan i fwynhau'r dydd! #CraenEccles
Almost the same picture as yesterday. Can't stop, going out to enjoy the day! #EcclesCrane
Edrycha a'r awyr 'na! Mae'r haf wedi dychwelyd am ddydd. #CraenEccles
Look at that sky! Summer has returned for the day. #EcclesCrane
Tynnais i llun ychwanegol y bore 'ma. Oedd yr haul wedi codi tua cwarter awr o'r blaen. Oedd o'n adlewyrchu ar popeth yn wynebu fo. #CraenEccles
I took an extra photo this morning. The sun had risen about a quarter of an hour before. It was reflecting on everything facing it. #EcclesCrane
Dim lot i weld heddiw ond o leia'r awyr yn diddorol. #CraenEccles
Not much to see today but at least the sky is interesting. #EcclesCrane
Mae'r tywydd yn brafach heddiw. Llawer o swn morthwylio o'r safle. Byddan nhw'n barod am y pwmp concrît eto yn fuan. #CraenEccles
The weather is nicer today. Lots of hammering noise from the site. They will be ready for the concrete pump again soon. #EcclesCrane
Roedd hi'n dechrau bwrw glaw, jyst pan es i allan i dynnu hwn. Mae'r craen yn codi rebar, dwi'n meddwl. #CraenEccles
It was starting to rain, just when I went outside to take this. The crane is lifting rebar, I think. #EcclesCrane
#craeneccles #ecclescrane #dysgucymraeg
Nawr mae'r sgrîniau yn lefel, mae'r gwaith parhau ar y llawr nesa a colofnau. #CraenEccles
Now the screens are level, the work continues on the next floor and columns. #EcclesCrane
Mae hi'n bwrw glaw heddiw. Unrhywun eisiau unrhywbeth o Asda? #CraenEccles
It's raining today. Anyone want anything from Asda? #EcclesCrane
#craeneccles #ecclescrane #dysgucymraeg
Dim lot i weld heddiw. Dim ond awyr llwyd. #CraenEccles
Not much to see today. Just a grey sky. #EcclesCrane
#craeneccles #ecclescrane #dysgucymraeg
Mwy o shuttering yn mynd mewn heddiw. Dwi'n dechrau meddwl am pryd wneith y shuttering yn symud eto. #CraenEccles
More shuttering going in today. I'm starting to think about when the shuttering will move again. #EcclesCrane
#craeneccles #ecclescrane #dysgucymraeg
Heddiw, maen nhw'n gosod y caeadau, y mowld ar gyfer y colofnau concrît. Mae'r caeadau yn mynd o gwmpas y ffyn dur cryfhad. Dych chi'n gallu jsyt weld nhw, uwch y sgrîn. #CraenEccles
Today, they install the shutters, the mould for the concrete columns. The shutters go around the reinforcing steel rods. You can just see them, above the screen. #EcclesCrane
#craeneccles #ecclescrane #dysgucymraeg
Mae'r awyr yn llwyd heddiw. Mae mwy concrît yn cael ei tywallt. #CraenEccles
The sky is grey today. More concrete is being poured. #EcclesCrane
#craeneccles #ecclescrane #dysgucymraeg