Dogs and cats ‘passing on antibiotic-resistant superbugs to owners’ | The Independent
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#dogs #cats #superbug #antibioticresistance #AntimicrobialResistance #who #eccmid
Good news: the #ECCMID Online Platform is open! Take a look at the programme and find out more about the highlights of #ECCMID2023. If you are already registered, start right away and filter out your personal highlights. Or register now at
Don't forget to submit your original artwork to be included in the #ECCMID2023 art gallery! We are offering prizes for five lucky submitters including even registration to #ECCMID! Learn more and submit before the deadline on 31 December 2022.
These are the last hours of #ECCMID2023 abstract submission. The submission platform will close today at 16:00 CET and there will be no other extensions possible. Be a part of the #ECCMID programme, submit your research now!
Submit your quiz questions and gather your teammates to compete and win in the first #ECCMID quiz show "Selective Pressure". Teams of four #ECCMID2023 attendees will compete to win the Selective Pressure trophy along with other prizes. Quiz question submission is open now, be sure to submit today!