🆕 Episode of #Breakpoints
In this special LIVE podcast episode, Drs. Jason Pogue and Erin McCreary present from Making a Difference in Infectious Diseases (MAD-ID) and give a rundown of everything from some #ECCMID2023 late breakers to published RCTs to stewardship-focused papers.
Have no fear: this episode is a COVID-free zone 😎
Listen now: https://sidp.pinecast.co/
RT @Sander_Lab
Für mich eines der Highlights vom #ECCMID2023: Plazebo-kontrollierte doppelt-blinde Studie der @UniofOxford zu Post-COVID Fatigue.
Signifikante Verbesserung der Fatigue durch AXA1125 (ein Peptide mit Metabolismus-modulierenden Eigenschaften).
Ok, that's a wrap for #ECCMID2023. Time for me to head back to my own "Hotel d'Angleterre".
Excellent conference. Lots of learning, networking and, yes, even socialising! 🍻
Thank you to organisers and all friends and colleagues who've made conference so enjoyable this year! 👏
@mackayim2022 very fair point.
I tried, but hard enough to live tweet to also live toot at the same time!
At conferences, the power of twitter's established network effect is amplified further as well. Even the part time viewers go there to discuss work presented, making principled avoidance of twitter an even more self-defeating exercise.
#ID #ECCMID23 #clinicians #scientists #ECCMID2023
#id #eccmid23 #clinicians #Scientists #eccmid2023
At #ECCMID2023 & interested in whether IL-6 is important in #TB?
If so, pop by & visit my poster P1063 12:00-13:30
Preprint of this work also available here, but always more enjoyable for a F2F chat! #ECCMID23 #tuberculosis
#eccmid2023 #tb #eccmid23 #tuberculosis
Fabulous overview by Paul Bastard on the role of type I IFN auto-antibodies in increasing risk to:
- severe #COVID19 (adults & children)
- severe #influenza
- yellow fever vaccine adverse events
- West Nile virus encephalitis (unpublished)
Exciting field #ECCMID2023
#COVID19 #influenza #eccmid2023
The more flu vaccine you get, the less risk of Alzheimer’s disease. #ECCMID2023 #IDmastodon
One of the highlights of #ECCMID2023 has also been the #architecture in Copenhagen
RT @GermHunterMD
Chakrabarti: “In 2021 there was a tsunami” of mucormycosis in wake of Covid, with 50,000 cases in 3 months. Covid patients unable to receive proper evaluations. Everyone got steroids, many already had diabetes. Also noted high indoor spore counts at homes #eccmid2023
Net immunosuppreve effect in organ transplant recipients.
Important concept in susceptibility to infections #ECCMID2023
Inclusion of fosfomycin in prophylaxis guideline (single centre data), big reduction in total antibiotic use
#urology #prophylaxis #UTI #ECCMID2023
#urology #prophylaxis #UTI #eccmid2023
Importance discordances in the indication and duration of antibiotic prophylaxis for urological surgery #AMS #AMR #urology #prophylaxis #ECCMID2023
#ams #AMR #urology #prophylaxis #eccmid2023
Mendelian randomisation of IL-6 receptor alleles
👉reduced IL-6 classic signalling ➡️ reduced risk of sepsis & sepsis death (as seen in #COVID19
Paper here: https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1004174
SAFO trial
:Right pointing backhand index:MSSA bacteraemia
:Right pointing backhand index:Cloxacillin vs Cloxacillin + Fosfomycin
Protocol previously published here: https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/11/8/e051208.long…
:⭐:Comparable treatment success at day 7:⭐:
Faster bacteraemia clearance at day 3 with fosfomycin.
Clear illustration of challenges harmonising clinical data in defining #sepsis subgroups across different centres. #ECCMID2023
Hello let's have a meet up at #ECCMID2023 What's the best way to get in touch with you? @gpollara @GermHunterMD