Wally Wood (1927-1981) who showed us the best parts of "His World" was #BOTD
#WallyWood #ECComics #MarvelComics #GalaxyScienceFiction #ComicBooks #Comics @comics @comicstodon
#botd #wallywood #eccomics #marvelcomics #GalaxyScienceFiction #comicbooks #comics
Are you the sucker or the bait?
🎨 by…
🟣 Graham Ingels (1953)
🟣 Frank Kelly Freas (1954)
🟣 Robert Maguire (1955)
🟣 Robert Bonfils (1963)
#Ghastly #GrahamIngels #FrankKellyFreas #RobertMaguire #RobertBonfils #ECComics #IsaacAsimov #Asimov #ComicBooks #ScienceFiction #GGA #VintagePaperbacks #Mystery
#ghastly #grahamingels #frankkellyfreas #robertmaguire #robertbonfils #eccomics #isaacasimov #asimov #comicbooks #sciencefiction #gga #vintagepaperbacks #mystery
From the Comic Jam Hawaii; EC Comics themed drink & draw.
#WitchKeeper #VaultKeeper #CryptKeep (the oldschool version).
#witchkeeper #vaultkeeper #cryptkeep #eccomics #talesfromthecrypt #vaultofhorror #MastoArt #comicjamhawaii
"Comic books changed forever in 1955 when #BernardKrigstein's most famous story appeared in Impact comics #1. But a few years later he'd quit comics for good. Why did one of the most important and influential creators spend most of his life as a high school teacher? Let's find out.
The story goes through #Marvel, DC, and EC comics, and features cameos from Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Al Feldstein, William Gaines and many other comic legends."
#comicbooks #art #Marvel #DCcomics #ECcomics
#bernardkrigstein #marvel #comicbooks #art #dccomics #eccomics
From my blog, #BookReview: "Bomb Run And Other Stories" https://itinerantlibrarian.blogspot.com/2023/03/book-review-bomb-run-and-other-stories.html
#books #reading #reviews #comics #ItinerantLibrarian #ECComics #BookBlogger
#bookblogger #eccomics #ItinerantLibrarian #comics #reviews #reading #books #bookreview
when you get those necromantik feels
#necromancer #comicbookart #innsmouth #lovecraftian #darkart #horrorcomics #graveyardart #eccomics #eldritchhorror #spookyillustration #macabrecomics #cryptkeeper #sinistercomics #ghoulishart #lovecraftart #comichorror #gothiccomics
#necromancer #comicbookart #innsmouth #lovecraftian #darkart #horrorcomics #graveyardart #eccomics #eldritchhorror #spookyillustration #macabrecomics #cryptkeeper #sinistercomics #ghoulishart #lovecraftart #comichorror #gothiccomics
#BernardKrigstein (1919-1990) #BOTD
His best-known work is #AlFeldstein 's #ECComics story "Master Race," concerning a former Nazi death camp commandant who had managed to elude justice for ten years. Krigstein expanded what had been planned for six pages into an eight-page story. Strobe-like drawings mimic the motion of a passing train, and Reissman's final moment of life is broken down into individual poses of desperate struggle.
1/2 #Comics #ComicBooks #EC
#bernardkrigstein #botd #alfeldstein #eccomics #comics #comicbooks #ec
Two things in life are certain: Screwy Tuesday and taxes. I think there's a third, but I can't remember what it is.
#screwytuesday #cartooning #brushinking #horrorcomics #surlyhack #ECComics
#screwytuesday #cartooning #brushinking #horrorcomics #surlyhack #eccomics
$125 Pick Up. A classic of the medium. #ECComics #TheVaultOfHorror #JohnnyCraig #ComicBook #Comic #Comics #ComicBooks #ComicBookFamily #ComicBookCollector #ComicBookCollection #ComicCollector #ComicCollecting #ComicCollections
#eccomics #thevaultofhorror #johnnycraig #comicbook #comic #comics #comicbooks #comicbookfamily #comicbookcollector #comicbookcollection #comiccollector #comiccollecting #comiccollections
$400 Pick Up. A classic of the medium. #ECComics #TheVaultOfHorror #JohnnyCraig #ComicBook #Comic #Comics #ComicBooks #ComicBookFamily #ComicBookCollector #ComicBookCollection #ComicCollector #ComicCollecting #ComicCollections
#eccomics #thevaultofhorror #johnnycraig #comicbook #comic #comics #comicbooks #comicbookfamily #comicbookcollector #comicbookcollection #comiccollector #comiccollecting #comiccollections
Got this yesterday. #ECComics #ComicBook #Comic #Comics #ComicBooks #ComicBookFamily #ComicBookCollector #ComicBookCollection #ComicCollector #ComicCollecting #ComicCollections
#eccomics #comicbook #comic #comics #comicbooks #comicbookfamily #comicbookcollector #comicbookcollection #comiccollector #comiccollecting #comiccollections
This was in the collection I got last week. Neat book. #CrimeSuspenStories #ECComics #ComicBook #Comic #Comics #ComicBooks #ComicBookFamily #ComicBookCollector #ComicBookCollection #ComicCollector #ComicCollecting #ComicCollections
#crimesuspenstories #eccomics #comicbook #comic #comics #comicbooks #comicbookfamily #comicbookcollector #comicbookcollection #comiccollector #comiccollecting #comiccollections
An EC Comics Christmas limerick.
#eccomics #christmas #christmas2022 #limericks
An EC Comics Christmas limerick.
#eccomics #christmas #christmas2022 #limericks
Ballantine Books, 1964. Black and white reprints from the EC horror titles in paperback form, the first time those stories were reprinted since Fredric Wertham’s crusade ended most of the EC line. Frank Frazetta provides the cover with a unique self portrait.
#ECComics #BallantineBooks #FrankFrazetta #TalesFromtheCrypt #EC #Comics @comics @comicstodon
#eccomics #ballantinebooks #frankfrazetta #talesfromthecrypt #ec #comics
Who won the EC Comics-style variant cover editions of Dwellings 4? Was it you? These homages are super rare! #eccomics #DwellingsComic #ComicBooks #horror @blackeyebooks
#eccomics #dwellingscomic #comicbooks #horror
Got some good looking comps! My variant cover for Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: Legion of Bats! Issue 3
#harleyquinn #poisonivy #batman #eccomics #christmas #comicart #comics https://instagr.am/p/CmM4en9vR1R/
#harleyquinn #poisonivy #batman #eccomics #christmas #comicart #comics
Got some good looking comps! My variant cover for Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: Legion of Bats! Issue 3
#harleyquinn #poisonivy #batman #eccomics #christmas #comicart #comics https://instagr.am/p/CmM4en9vR1R/
#harleyquinn #poisonivy #batman #eccomics #christmas #comicart #comics
Today's #ShakeYourCLZ #random #comicbook generator. Cover by Johnny Craig.
#ECComics #EC #theVaultofHorror #JohnnyCraig #Comics #ComicBookCollector #ComicBookCollection #ComicBookCollecting #MyCollection #MyComicsCollection @comicstodon
#shakeyourclz #random #comicbook #eccomics #ec #thevaultofhorror #johnnycraig #comics #comicbookcollector #comicbookcollection #comicbookcollecting #mycollection #MyComicsCollection
#ECComics:in #sarjakuva-adaptaatio #RayBradbury:n tarinasta.
Vuosi tarinan julkaisun jälkeen #ComicsCode tuli voimaan, mikä johti kustantajan sarjislinjan loppuun (jäljelle jäi säännöstöä kiertävä MAD).
Kun tätä #koulukiusaus:ksesta alkavaa tarinaa katsoo, niin voi nähdä kuinka Yhdysvaltojen 1950-luku perustui tekopyhyydelle.
(Muut kuvat #Spirit:in tarinasta 'Kohtalokas sarjakuvalehti' (Jalava 1992 [1949]) ja Tenavat ²⁄₆.1952 (joka netistä, koska tyhmyyksissäni myin oman kappaleeni).
#eccomics #sarjakuva #raybradbury #comicscode #koulukiusaus #spirit