🚨🎢 ALL HANDS ON DECK! The #childcare cliff is looming: hear what these advocates and experts say we need to build better, more equitable systems. Register for this webinar we're cosponsoring with CGLR on 9/12 at 3pm ET:
#childcare #earlylearning #ece
The false dichotomy of free play and direct instruction is exploding at The Center for Playful Inquiry: Mark Swartz unpacks how their professional development work is helping teachers, caregivers and experts open up play--in themselves, and in kids:
#childcare #ece #earlylearning #earlychildhood
"This is parenting in 2023. This is #childcare in the age of #climatechange disasters. The tragedy in Maui raises a further question for not only our local, state, and government officials, but for all of us: With parents clearly unable to shield their children from the ever-expanding list of climate threats on their own, how can we rebuild our systems to promote young children’s safety, health and well-being?"
#childcare #climatechange #lahaina #ece #earlylearning #earlychildhood
Screen time for your kids: It vexes and haunts you, but it also supports and educates. What's a parent to do? Check out these takeaways from The Hunt Institute's webinar featuring experts from Education Development Center, Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development, and Center to Support Excellence in Teaching, CSET.
With shoutouts to American Academy of Pediatrics, Common Sense Media, PBS KIDS and more. #earlylearning #earlychildhood #ECE
#earlylearning #earlychildhood #ece
Build with, not for. The Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care's deep-dive collaboration with parents, families, experts and more has resulted in a groundbreaking new #earlylearning system. Learn how--and why-- with Mark Swartz:
#earlylearning #ece #earlychildhood
Making the case that under-3 kids need high quality care, this new study out of the Early Childhood Education Institute at OU-Tulsa broke ground by tracking kids from infancy to elementary school. @brycecovert reports:
#ece #earlylearning #earlychildhood #childcare
When the pandemic hit, the fissures in #childcare systems were cracked wide open. The expertise of #ECE practitioners continues to save us all, and this recent webinar from the Bipartisan Policy Center, Children's Equity Project and Start Early shares valuable insights:
#childcare #ece #earlylearning #earlychildhood
How do we identify and support emerging #ECE leaders, while also evolving our understanding of equity and how we serve communities? This webinar from The CAYL Institute has answers!
A shock to an economy often has gendered effects: a new study from Anamika Sen (incoming, Bates College; PhD, University of Massachusetts Amherst) looks at how trends after the Great Recession disproportionately hurt women.
#ece #childcare #earlylearning #earlychildhood
A dangerous #childcare cliff looms in Virginia, and many other parts of the country. Rebecca Gale reports: https://earlylearningnation.com/2023/08/american-rescue-plan-act-funds-are-on-the-way-to-help-child-care-providers-but-will-it-be-enough/
#childcare #earlylearning #earlychildhood #ece
For too long, cities have been designed by and for a small segment of the population. Ready to have your mind blown with what a child-friendly city *could* be? Check out Mark Swartz's interview with Tim Gill & Ankita Chachra:
#ece #earlylearning #earlychildhood
We're seeing trends of free #childcare happening in many states and localities across the country. Yay! But, Elliot Haspel asks, free for whom? And why not for everyone?
#childcare #ece #earlylearning #earlychildhood
“It’s an opportunity for us to do what Americans do best and have done historically, from the New Deal to NASA. This is a moonshot opportunity for America.” - Joe Waters, co-founder and CEO of Capita, on how #climatechange and #ECE can push together for change:
Democratizing brain science and getting best practices in the kids' spaces that need them: Jesse Ilhardt is on a mission with VOCEL, and they've only just begun.
#earlylearning #ece #earlychildhood
The most perfect kind of storm: a budget surplus, plus years of organizing and action. Minnesota is about to implement some incredible childhood initiatives-- learn all about in Rebecca Gale's latest:
#earlychildhood #earlylearning #ece
In the US, play is often separated from learning in artificial ways. Learn how Carnegie Mellon's Children's School turns that practice on its head, with Mr. Rogers in mind:
#earlychildhood #earlylearning #ece
“We have a system that is so barbaric that we expect parents not to eat in order to provide for the basic needs of their children.” - Joanne Samuel Goldblum of the National Diaper Bank Network to journalist Bryce Covert
#ece #earlychildhood #earlylearning #childcare
Hello, Mastodon! Our #introduction: We're an independent magazine devoted to all things #ECE / #earlychildhood / #earlylearning. We publish several times a week, and are always looking for good research, good policy and best practices. Looking forward to diving into the conversations here!
#introduction #ece #earlychildhood #earlylearning
Global News BC: B.C. falling behind on wages for early childhood educators amidst staff shortage: Report https://globalnews.ca/news/9822164/bc-wages-report-early-childhood-educators/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MinistryOfEducationAndChildCare #earlychildhoodeducationBC #EarlyChildhoodEducation #earlychildhoodeducators #10dollarsadaychildcare #Education #Politics #Economy #BCECEs #ECE's
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ministryofeducationandchildcare #earlychildhoodeducationbc #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildhoodeducators #10dollarsadaychildcare #education #politics #economy #bceces #ece
77- Managing behaviors in the classroom #ece #feedly https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/auecepodcast/episodes/77--Managing-behaviors-in-the-classroom-e1ot1sp