But, as the tide dropped, the day brightened, and once the chalk beds were exposed I did get #echinoid, #belemnite and #coral #fossils from the exposure.
And later learned that the next bay up yielded a baby mammoth tooth the day before ... It could have been me!
#echinoid #coral #fossils #belemnite
RT @KeeperNH@twitter.com
Picture shows museum curator Dr Matthew Parkes who coordinated rescue of large slabs covered in fossils, newly published in the Irish Journal of Earth Science dedicated to his memory. Preprint here https://muse.jhu.edu/article/868440/pdf @GalwayGga@twitter.com @OriginalGCG@twitter.com #carboniferous #echinoid
Always a treat to spot an interesting #fossil during our #2minutebeachclean #Overstrand #Norfolk #echinoid
#fossil #2minutebeachclean #Overstrand #norfolk #echinoid