Tajinastes (#Echium wilpretii ssp trichosiphon) in Caldera de Taburiente NP (La Palma, #Canary Is.) are now flowering. They are difficult to miss in the way to the top!
#LaPalma @ecology @plants @botany @plantscience @nature
@biodiversity @conservation @nationalparks #canaryisland
#canaryisland #lapalma #canary #echium
Vipers bugloss, Blueweed, Echium vulgare. A favourite summer #weed of mine due to its pretty #blue #flowers
I took these photos yesterday 27 Dec, by the Commissioners Track near Roxburgh Dam, Central Otago. New Zealand #NewZealand #VipersBugloss #echium #CentralOtago #Roxburgh
#weed #blue #flowers #newzealand #vipersbugloss #echium #centralotago #roxburgh
@CrankyGrandma55 I don’t know where to buy these, but saw a spectacular display of them in Hobart while there last month. #Echium #PrideOfMadiera #Hobart
#hobart #prideofmadiera #echium