Testing the new MACHINE the first with a light controlled 4 step sequencer running through an delay/distortion section. In this clip the output signal also runs through heavy reverb, the unnatural habitat of it's sound. Each step has individual frequency control and a toggle switch that selects two different ways of how the LDR (light dependent reaistor) affects the pitch of the step. A SPEED control makes it go fast or slow. The sequencer runs on an algorythm, that adds very slight variations to the flow. The machine runs on standard 9V DC pedal power supplies (boss-style, center negative). PSU not included. Abailable soon. DM if interested. Stay detuned.


#metsaan #dirtydronedeluge #echoblender #noisesynth #DroneSynth #dronebox #noisebox #dirtydrone #noiseart #soundart #soundobject #soundsculpture #soundbox #thismachinekillsfascists #handmade

Last updated 2 years ago