I have to say I miss the old #ASE #Echocardiography guideline app, but the #BSE app is a great replacement https://apps.apple.com/app/id468166426 #Cardiology
#ase #echocardiography #bse #cardiology
A very interesting paper evaluating the effect of correcting low preload in critically ill patients, appropriately pointing out that global longitudinal strain alone cannot be used in this cohort to diagnose cardiac dysfunction. Preload induced change in GLS follows change in CI. https://annalsofintensivecare.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13613-018-0376-8
#CriticalCare #CardiacDysfunction #GlobalLongitudinalStrain #echocardiography #POCUS
#CriticalCare #cardiacdysfunction #globallongitudinalstrain #echocardiography #POCUS
Eye-tracking during simulation-based #echocardiography: a feasibility study
#echocardiography #ultrasound #POCUS #ultrasoundtraining
@strain_rate here’s one study showing how LA reservoir strain decreases in normal subjects as preload is reduced during a tilt manoeuvre #echocardiography #echofirst #Physiology https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0894731718304048
#echocardiography #echofirst #physiology
Reposting this fasctinating study here that I shared last year, on the effects on RAP and PCWP of rapid fluid loading (100-200ml/min 1L + 1L warm NS), in a first in healthy younger and older (>50yo) subjects. Striking results, with marked increases in pressures despite absence of heart failure. #echocardiography #cardiology #CriticalCare #Physiology https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.112.111302
#echocardiography #cardiology #CriticalCare #physiology
A good idea and its validation.
Because LVOT area is related to body surface area:
echoVTI x HR x k = indexed CO
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Echocardiography #Hemodynamics #CardiacOutput #PAC #SwanGanz
#POCUS #CriticalCare #echocardiography #Hemodynamics #CardiacOutput #pac #SwanGanz
Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and share.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #RV #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #rv #anaesthesia #foamcc
Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and share.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #RV #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #rv #anaesthesia #foamcc
Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and share.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #RV #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #rv #anaesthesia #foamcc
Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and share.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #RV #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #rv #anaesthesia #foamcc
Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and disseminate.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #RV #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #ThePeoplesVentricle #RightVentricle #rv #anaesthesia #foamcc
Confusion between #AcuteCorePulmonale and #RightVentricularDysfunction is common in #ICU.
A very important reminder that anyone using #Echocardiography to assess #RightVentricularFunction in critically ill patients should read and disseminate.
#POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #Anaesthesia #FOAMcc
#AcuteCorePulmonale #RightVentricularDysfunction #icu #echocardiography #RightVentricularFunction #POCUS #CriticalCare #Hemodynamics #anaesthesia #foamcc
Association between the early use of #Echocardiography in #ICU and outcomes in the patients with respiratory and hemodynamic support
#echocardiography #icu #POCUS #CriticalCare
6th paper of my #adventarticles: E/E’ has fair correlation to LAP under certain conditions across populations, but how does it track within individual change in LAP? Poorly it seems in this study, and several others have shown E/E’ increasing in healthy hearts with preload reduction. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.110.960575 #echocardiography #critcareecho #physiology
#adventarticles #echocardiography #critcareecho #physiology
1st day of #adventarticles, sharing some of my all time favourite papers:
"Ejection Fraction Revisited" from Robotham et al, THE paper to read on ejection fraction.
One of many key takeaways:
Hyperdynamic LV/supranormal EF is not a sign of low preload, on the contrary EF is relatively preload insensitive and if anything very low preload lowers EF.
https://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article/74/1/172/31892/Ejection-Fraction-Revisited #physiology #criticalcare #echocardiography
#adventarticles #physiology #CriticalCare #echocardiography
Excelent example illustrating that MAPSE, TAPSE and mitral/tricuspid annulus tissue doppler velocities aren’t representative and should not be trusted when apex is not stationary, a quite common finding not leat in RV dysfunction. #echocardiography https://twitter.com/argulian/status/1595125295904088064?s=46&t=FrtHdpb02j-3NH4Sj0Oq6A
Another trial of automated EF measurements, limits of agreement +- about 20% seems less than tolerable. Off course, always a question how much error there is in the reference standard too. #echocardiography #ai https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/12/9/1413/htm
#introduction to new instance!
I'm an end stage #cardiology trainee working in Trondheim, Norway, finishing up a PhD in #POCUS in stroke care, aiming to subspecialise in #cardiaccriticalcare and #imaging. Obsessed with #criticalcare #echocardiography, fascinated by #physiology and #statistics, concerned about the future of our #publichealthcare system, #socialdeterminantsofhealth and #climatechange
Toots in English, Norwegian, Danish and French.
#introduction #cardiology #POCUS #cardiaccriticalcare #imaging #CriticalCare #echocardiography #physiology #statistics #publichealthcare #socialdeterminantsofhealth #climatechange
MPI aka Tei index is often described as an integrated index of systolic and diastolic function. In truth, this applies to pretty much any measure of cardiac function in #echocardiography. Diastole and systole are inextricably linked. #foamcc @echo@a.gup.pe
MPI aka Tei index is often described as an integrated index of systolic and diastolic function. In truth, this applies to pretty much any measure of cardiac function in #echocardiography. Diastole and systole are inextricably linked. #foamcc #echocardiography @echo@a.gup.pe