Of course these photos bring up big feelings. Still. Fifteen years later I go right back to how I felt when I overheard her say that.
But also, it's 15 years later. I think I've done enough trauma work that I can finally start to reconnect with the self I lost when she shut down my dreams.
I don't actually have an image for this post but I'll be posting more under this tag.
While digging in my files for reference photos I came across the pictures I took of the art my sibling put in their senior exhibition at the end of a liberal arts degree in art.
This happened 15 years ago. I remember so well because this was the day our mother said "I always thought echodrift would be the one to get an art degree." As if she had not repeatedly told me that pursuing art would literally be a waste of my brain.
So I double majored in Math and Computer Info Systems.